I really need to know what this is(FOUND OUT WHAT IT IS)

Taken from past posts..
You could try the "50 gallon Barrel of death".

5 Gallon for Mice, 50 gallon for rats

Fill a 35 or 50 gallon plastic barrel or garbage can 1/2 or 2/3 full of water.

Put a piece of wood like a 2X4 across the top/opening and along the sides as ramps.

Put of heavy layer of sunflower seeds in the water, the seeds will float and it will look like a bucket of sunflower seeds.

The mice, chimpmunk, rat, etc will jump in the barrel to get the sunflowers and then drown because they will not be able to get out.

Just make sure there is a good gap between the top and the water level so they dont get out.

Then if you could get in their holes there is also Peanut Butter and Plaster of paris balls...
Thanks for the update.I was checking for one. I don't know if they sell them to just exterminators,but the T-rex traps look really effective. I just put out bait to kill rodents.
Where there is 3 there are 33. If you pour plaster and glass down the hole - first bate it with poison then fill the hole from the chicken pen side so the chickens can't get down to it. Give it a couple days for them to have eaten some of the rat bait poison then fill the hole from the other side with plaster and ground glass and cap it with some some quikcrete.
you my friend are a genius!
I am fighting with mice right now and i have heard about this barrel of death but have never had any luck but thats cause I was doing it all wrong...

and can I ask ... what is a plaster of paris peanut butter ball... (because some are sensitive about killing pests.. feel free to PM me
thanks )
I know MP you are a very knowledgeable woman and have forgotten more then what I will ever know about chickens... but... i have to caution about the use of poison... if the family dog or cat happen to even "play" with a poisoned mouse or rat it could cause serious harm to the beloved family pet
I dont know if this would work but can you also put a 32 inch of hardware cloth along the outside perimeter of the barn, or maybe lots of pavers/rocks/flagstone to keep them from accessing the barn from the outside? or maybe you could dig a small trench around the barn and fill with cement? I dont know just trouble shooting here thats horrible such nasty things, I have a few that dig under my harware cloth sometimes, they seem to be smart enough to start 2 feet back where it ends, thats why I was thinking 32 inches instead of the 24 that I use. I am lucky though as they are only interested in the feed and leave the ducks alone, come to think about it I should get some muscovies I heard they eat mice and rats... do you have any barn cats? maybe that would help
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HAPPYCHICK. The funny thing is there is a pair of muscovies ducks in the barn. They are the only ones in there until i get these rats. But they are also penned up. I didnt want poop everywhere. So i just got back from town. Bought 2 large rat traps and 2 glue traps for rats and i am going to do the barrel of death. I really think that is a good idea. I will let you know tomorrw how i far out. Well i guess i better get to work .....
<<Looks around the room... and wonders why she suddely heard the Imperial march from star wars>>...
sorry i am a geek

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