I sooooo do not feel like doing this tonight!


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
I just bought a trio of gorgeous welsumers, when I brought them back home I noticed the "big lump" in one of the hen's feet
I really don't feel like treating bumblefoot tonight, but I might as well get it over with for me and for her
Is there any tricks that could make this as quick and painless as possible?
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With one of my poor hens, I just got so tired of cutting around in her foot. So every day I would wash her foot and pull off the scab. Then I used this stuff called "Magnapaste" for horses. It's an epsom salt gel. You can probably do a gauze drenched in epsom salts and water. I do this at night because I wanted her standing on this bandage for as long as possible. I put the gauze on and would tape around her ankle, and thru her toes, back around the ankle. Yes it will get dirty. But you'll wash and dress it every night until the lump comes to a head. And keep pulling the scab off till the lump is gone.
well I did it, no fun at all but its done now
this time there was no scab underneath so it was hard to determine where to start. but it was def. bumble foot. I had to dig out most of it but the last part came out like a plug.
I was a bit relieved at that because I didn't want to leave any behind
they will be locked up for the winter so at least it will be a while if there was to be a reocurrence
Very glad to hear it went well.
update, i brought her into check her bandages. the swelling is down, but now i can see that I missed some
now im kindof upset because not only is it higher up between her toes, so its a bit out of reach.
but also there is no way she is going to let me back in there. the entry point is to far from the infected area
what do i do??

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