I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

Now between you and PlymouthRocker I won't be the only beginner! Yeah!!!!!
PlymouthRocker, I got my Singer sewing machine from Freecycle. Its a FashionMate Zig Zag Model 362. I took it to the sewing machine shop to get checked/oiled and he said it was in perfect condition! The lady got tired of sewing...
I will be checking Craigslist and doing the Freecycle thing today!

Today I picked up my daughter from school and while I was waiting in line I asked my friend who is my daughter's friend's mom, if she wanted to do this project with me. She agreed, and we went to Jo-Ann's to buy fabric. Our two girls picked out the fabric, so blame them if you don't like them.

1. Plymouth Rocker - - - purple, aqua, lime green, brown and pink doodled cupcakes on a pink background
2. Plymouth Rocker's friend Karen - - - - purple, aqua, lime green, pink and brown doodled owls on a brown background

We will wash in cold and dry without fabric softener or dryer sheets. We'll be cutting the fabric after Christmas and sending to Coyote, the woman who started our new hobby.

So, Delia, you will be one of THREE newbies, at least.
I'm semi-new....

I've done a few baby quilts, but the actual quilting I know nothing about, just the piecing and measuring (worked in a fabric and yarn boutique in high school for a summer).
Ya'll have been busy today!!
Was at court today. We are still trying to save the house (basicly because we have no other place to go that we can afford)We got another 30days. Hopefully we will get NACA to work with us on something we can afford.

Ok back to quilting!! I've changed mine to Golf Balls as my sneaker material wasn't as large as I thought it was.

I'll get everyone on the list. Let me know if I leave anybody out.
We seem to be having the same issue with our vehicle. Its funny....you call and let them know what you can send and they say "Sure....O.K." then the next thing you know someone from the collections center for the bank is on the phone wondering why your not sending in payments on time.....Well, DUH!!!! you can't get blood from a turnip (at least I haven't been able to). So DH just got a new job a month ago. Has been working all the overtime he can to get teh bills caught up and then.....BAM!! Collection call!!

O.K. sorry for the rant......now back to the original thread talk
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