I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

You know the ones you get that people can barley speak english. My husband loves to mess with their heads. Tells them they've call the morgue or impound lot.

One poor guy was told that the gentleman he was trying to contact was an inmate here at the psychiatirc hospital he was calling. That my husband was currently in restraints for trying to kill one of the orderlies by throwing him out of a 2nd story window. When asked why my husband was lock up in such a place to start will, I'm sure the poor guy wet his pants when told that he fileted the car dealer who sold him a junk car and then sent the bill collectors after him. They are sure he would have gotten away with it but his dear sick wife found parts of the car dealer in her freezer.
I will have to print this and copy it off and try it the next time

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