I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

Don't you have some Angel robes or something to sew?!!

I haven't washed or cut anything for either swap. I'm still working on Christmas gifts!!

Hey Cindi.....I am finished with all 20 Angel Robes and one Robe for the Preacher who is portraying Jesus in the play.....I will have to get pics for you all. On his robe I embroidered in the right thigh area "King of King Lord of Lords" it looks great and the Preacher loved it. Also they were taken to the church last Sunday and everyone was amazed at how quickly I finished with them. I told them that it was nothing of me,.....just the ability that the Lord had given me.

Hey Ginger...............................................................
Well.....I can't help it.....that's what the Lord wants me to do.
He also laid on my heart to go ahead and help out the Preachers wife with CHRISTmas card bags (labeling them) I didn't have a lot of ink in my printer ( an I am running very low) so I just wrote them out and the Preachers wife was just going on and on at how beautiful my hand writing was and I told her to give the glory to the Lord where it belonged. He gave me the ability to write good, so I tried my best to make those name labels look as good as I could.
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Hey Cindy..watch out with all those compliments..Acre has the butter out..she's getting ready for January!...

(She is a living witness for the Lord!!!...and He certainly has blessed her!!)...Love Ya Acre!!!
Isn't your phone {{{ringing}}} yet???
Cedar, you are also a blessing to talk with.....and I certainly don't want to leave out Ginger. I wish I could meet all of you.
to everyone today
Well I always wanted to go to SF. So if I start driving I could come and pick up Acre then we could drive down and get Cedar and be in SF in a couple of days.
Anyone else want to come along. We could share the expenses and driving. Maybe after Christmas. I need a good road trip and to get away from the snow. Now I just need to find someone to watch the grandkids, son and DH.

Do you think the men could handle it Acre?????
Haha..this place would fall apart!! They don't know where anything is..I know this because I always hear.."have you seen..or do you know where so & so is?..do I have any clean....." but maybe its time to let them fend for themselves...haha
Nope.....but we could send them all to joebryant's place

I agree with ya Cedar....."i can't find my..... or where is......." it would fall apart. I'd hate to see what my house would look like if I were to be gone a week

Better yet we could get California Chick to just move out here amongst all of us........sounds like a plan. Hey Cali.....the cost of living is cheaper here!!!!
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