I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

WoW..that sounds cute..this is going to be a fun swap!!

Gin..I think you are right..i talked to Acre last night and she said the play is tonight..I can't wait to see pics.

I'm not glad you girls have the bad weather but sure am glad it missed us..we just had rain!!
Me to Cedar. I hate the cold and snow that's one reason I moved out of NJ. We didn't get it until late in the winter or early spring because I was so close to the coast but when we got hit, we got hit. I've got pictures of my nephew when he was about 5 standing on top of the snowdrifts and is taller than my dad's truck! The thing about living in the south, if it snows, you aren't going anywhere for days. They just don't have the equipment to removed it down here.
Golden I got your squares today!! ooooooooo Christmas arrived early, lol. I think she did mess up the postage, but I think I know a way around it.

Anybodyelse out there interested in this swap??!! It's gonna be a fun one!!
According to the list on Page 1, we ONLY need six more folks to complete the list!!!

Although we might get someone to join this week, I think that our best bet is NEXT week after Christmas is over!!!

We can ALL start posting on Saturday and I will bet that we have 6 new members in week!!

Merry CHRISTmas to you all!!

Howdee, Coyote - I've been burrowing in my stash. I've found the kitty fabric, frogs on scooters, Charlie Brown Christmas and butterfies. I've never done an I-spy quilt. I'm thinking that the motif should be centered but cutting for no waste will be a gamble. The butterflies are pastel and abundant. I will send two of the above. They are all in the wash just now. Charlie and the frogs are fairly large on a blue background and the kitties overlap. What do you think in addition to the cats - frogs, Charlie or butterflies? Will you PM me your address. I am very excited!
I'm a Peanuts Fanatic, so I have to go with Charlie Brown Christmas!

I'm actually working on a Charlie Brown Christmas quilt with all the different Peanuts Christmas fabrics I have. Been collecting them for a few years. I have enough Peanuts/Snoopy fabric to create a quilt for just about every season and holiday. I've already got St. Patricks Day, Easter and Valentine's Day finished. In addition to the Charlie Brown Christmas, I'm working on Winter, Halloween, Fall/Thanksgiving(Snoop and Charlie Brown as pilgrims! this fabric is soooooo hard to find), Summer and 4th of July! Not to mention a just plain ol Peanuts quilt. I've been collecting Peanuts, well mostly Snoopy, since I was 10.

Here's my address ya'll.

Cindi Davis
1171 Peppertree Drive
Mount Holly, NC

I'm not worried about anyone showing up on my doorstep or stealing my idea. They wouldn't get much either way. You don't want my current credit rating,LOL!!
Your post about all the different Charlie Brown holidays just reminded me I once made a baby quilt with a different novelty square for each month of the year...I guess it was kind of like an i-spy quilt too as I think of it! Hmm.

Love the idea of all of your CB fabric. My 5th graders just did a small stage show of Happy New Year Charlie Brown. Super cute!

Happy Holidays everyone!

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