Solved I spy something new!

um. . hello. . TWO small changes ;)
Used to be in E-town for about three years originally from Cincinnati went through a highering freeze here after college and went there for NICU nursing position when out of college at Kosairs in Louisville. Small world!
i’m in jeffersonville just across the ohio from louisville




I made those two text changes to the forum category and sub-section... I think yesterday. I thought someone might notice, but wasn't sure ;)

Sorry if that was anti-climatic. I did say it was two SMALL changes ;)

Ok so I win one and Kathy gets the second win.

I won!!!
BTW, the reasons for the change:

"Forum" was too specific since we do all kinds of site-wide posts in that section.

Then, once I changed "forum" to "website", it seemed that "BYC Website..." was redundant ;)
The next time you change anything let us play this game again.

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