I swore I wasn't going to freak out, but....


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 16, 2013
Nicholasville, Ky
My chicks from McMurray have shipped, although I haven't heard that from them yet but checked my account. From tracking it looks like they shipped about 6p yesterday, were in St. Paul at midnight, and no idea where they are now but heading to KY. Expected delivery shows Monday.

Now, I've read so many people, particularly in small towns, whose POs went out of their way to help. I have to relay my conversation with good old Earl at my PO this morning:

Me: Hey, Earl, I'm having chicks shipped, they're in St. Paul, any chance of them being early?
Earl: They'll be here when they get here.
Me: Yes, but if they were to arrive tonight into Lexington (15 mins from me) sort center, might they call me instead of them sitting there until Monday?
Earl: No.
Me: I can't pick them up there?
Earl: No.
Me: So I have to wait until Monday even if they get there Sat night?
Earl: If they get here Monday.
Me: If they don't get here Monday they'll be dead.
Earl: That's the way they were shipped.
Me: What time can I get them Monday morning?
Earl: Open at 9.
Me: Can I get them earlier, like if they get there at 6a?
Earl: Open at 9.
Me: Earl, there will be dead chicks after 72 hours.
Earl: We ain't liable.

And I can't post what I said next, but I do feel better venting. Thanks :)
I get the phone number of the sorting room at my post office (actually it is written on a feed bin in the brooder house).
They won't answer the main number till they open but they'll answer the sorting room #. Talk to your postmaster today to get that number.
Usually they'll call when they come in but I call about 6:30 on my way there. I knock on the back door and they give me the chicks.
Take your camera so you can take pictures if they're dead.
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Earl was a no-nonsense type guy and made it clear they "open Monday at 9" - I don't think he's going to cooperate with giving any phone numbers. I took off work Monday so I'll just have early coffee in the parking lot and knock every 10 minutes lol. Do I need to have pictures of any dead chicks for the hatchery to refund for them?
sounds like Earl's never raised any animals.

I'd see if I could find out who ABOVE Earl I could get in touch with to see if maybe he could be "persuaded" to be a little more helpful.

and you might see if you can locate the number for the center in Lexington and call there and ask if you can pick them up. There's always a way around someone who's not being helpful
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That is strange. When I ordered geese they called me at 4:30 and told me to come get them now... maybe they were just getting on their nerves. Yeah I'd take a camera with you and try and see if there is someone else you can talk to.
I was really surprised because it's a friendly little town, but not Earl. I live so far out and closer to Lexington so I don't know anyone in town, and it being a weekend makes it difficult to contact anyone - all offices closed until Monday..
I'm also surprised that McMurray hasn't notified me of shipping on either of the numbers or email I gave them, but maybe they just don't do shipping notices.
The way I see it at this point, there's absolutely nothing I can do to control this on a weekend, nothing open to call, so I'm just tackling projects, cleaning and trying not to worry. I hope they're ok, and honestly blame myself for putting them at risk by ordering from a hatchery that ships on Friday and is more than a few hours from me.
I'll just be ready for them when they get here and hope they pull through. The weather is perfect so except for going past 72 hours food/water, they'll have a fighting chance. And my house and barn will be spotless by then.
That's why I don't order from McMurray anymore- I think it's really irresponsible that they ship chicks over the weekend. Grumpy post office folks don't help either :(
Hope yours make it there safe and sound!
That's why I don't order from McMurray anymore- I think it's really irresponsible that they ship chicks over the weekend. Grumpy post office folks don't help either :(
Hope yours make it there safe and sound!
I got ahold of a CSR at the 800 number and although he wasn't able to help much as to where or when the chicks would be here, I did learn something I didn't know about hatcheries (or at least McMurray). He asked if I minded telling him how much I paid for them, and when I told him $83 he told me they had insured them for $150. The way that works is that if my chicks expire, they refund my $83 and collect $150, for a $67 profit. No wonder they insist on shipping no matter weather conditions, location or risk of delay! They have absolutely nothing to lose and since they insure them for close to twice the worth (for $9) they are making more money on dead chicks than live ones. There's nothing "nice" or "helpful" about their refund/replace policy; it's profit every time they collect on a loss.

Regardless of my outcome, I won't order from McMurray again simply because of the distance involved, weekend shipping, and lack of shipping notice. But still hopeful that this order makes it here without any chick suffering :(

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