I think I have overdosed My new Bantam hen


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 18, 2011
I got a lovely new Bantam hen at the start of Oct. 4 days ago i noticed that she wasnt very well she had some mucus around her nose so the vet advised me to give her an injection of Baytrail but after giving her the 1ml (25mg Baytrail ) I relased that the dose was totally wrong it should of been 0,1ml..... I also noticed she had scaly legs so i washed them with mite/flee shampoo and than put antimite drops in cocconut oil all over her legs . She was standing as if in pain so over the next few days i have repeated the treatment on her legs daily .Unfortunately two days ago she couldnt stand up anymore and im not sure if this is because of the overdose or something else... i dont know what to do .. any advise would be greatly appreciated
Anti-mite drops all over her body after using mite shampoo? What is the dosage supposed to be?

I would guess the mite medicine could have poisoned her, that is probably more likely than the massive Baytril overdose.
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Thank you for your reply . I just used a blob of the shampoo on each leg and scrubbed with a toothbrush and then used drops that the vet adviced to use !? Do you think it might be Marek's disease ?
If the mite treatment contains organophosphates then it could well be poisoning. Organophosphates also depress respiration.
I would not apply/ give her anything else just now except food water and access to a heat lamp.

Also check that she does not have bumblefoot or any lesions on her legs/feet that could be painful.

Hopefully you wore rubber gloves when you did all the mite treatments. That is nasty stuff.
The most commonly used remedy for scale mites seems to be plain old Vaseline rubbed on the legs. It smothers the mites rather than adding more poison to the birds' systems. Try to keep her hydrated, you might try to wet her food and make it into a mash - in very small portions so you can monitor her intake. The moistened food is more palatable and easier for compromised systems to handle, plus it adds another level of hydration. Hydration, warmth and quiet will be your best bet at this point.

Just a note, and NOT a criticism....always, always be sure you understand the vet's instructions fully. Ask, ask and ask again for clarification until you have it down, or ask for all instructions to be in writing. I think you and the vet were reading the same book, you were just on different pages. I remember once we had a dog in our practice that suffered from repeated bacterial and fungal infections in her ears. We tried her on a new antifungal oral med with some 2xdaily ear wash and dryer agent for her latest bout. Her owner called a few days later to tell us that the medication was making her dog ill with some vomiting. The vet advised her to add a little Pepto Bismol to the treatment - not a lot, just about a 1/4 tsp, and bring the dog back in two days. She did, and when I looked into the ear canal I couldn't believe the mess I was seeing. Turns out instead of giving the Pepto orally she was putting 1/4 tsp in her ears after putting in the ear wash and drying agent. No one person messed up here - everyone messed up! She was at fault for not understanding and questioning the doctor's instructions, and he was at fault for not being specific with a panicked and concerned owner. Same book - how to treat the chronic ear issues. Different pages - no continuity. A missed communication that added to the misery of an already sick pet.

Please, keep us posted on how she does. And relax - not one of us out here have raised chickens and not made some mistakes along the way! We're in your corner and want the best for your little banty.
Thank you all !! Yes I'm kicking myself that I didn't sit back and think for a minute before giving the injection ... I was rushing to get things sorted , I have learnt my lesson . I'll post again tomorrow ! Thanks
I don't think the injection is going to be the big issue here, either, as Sonya said. I think the overuse of the insecticidal products will be the tough part for her. But she's still here by the sounds of it, and that's good! Be waiting to hear from you again.
And relax - not one of us out here have raised chickens and not made some mistakes along the way!  We're in your corner and want the best for your little banty.

So so true. We have all made mistakes, but we learn from them and carry on and do better next time. Hope she is doing better.
Good morning from Italy !! Well she is still alive but not standing , she has to be encouraged to eat but I managed to get her to eat a 1/4 of an egg, some tomato and a little mixed grain . I had to give her water with a syringe but not much , I'll try again later. She has some yellow mucus around her nose still and she breaths deeply but not noisily.
My other three new hens have colds too :( , the vet told me to give them spiramicina antibiotic . I've decided I'm just going buy eggs to hatch if I want new chicks in the future ....I know that come with complications too but at least it reduces the risk of bringing in new disease to my flock
any more tips are much appreciated !
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