I THINK I might want to try this. Any advice on hatching?


6 Years
Apr 3, 2014
I want to hatch 1-2 eggs with this method.
Should I sprinkle the eggs with water more then it says to?
Has anyone tried this? I'd be using fridge eggs. What temp is most likely to get pullets? Aren't fridge eggs supposed to hatch more pullets then roos?
Will they actually hatch using this method? The eggs are just ones that were going to be eaten so it's no big deal if they don't hatch. Any advice?
I've never hatched before.
I want to hatch 1-2 eggs with this method.  
Should I sprinkle the eggs with water more then it says to?
Has anyone tried this?  I'd be using fridge eggs.  What temp is most likely to get pullets?  Aren't fridge eggs supposed to hatch more pullets then roos?
Will they actually hatch using this method?  The eggs are just ones that were going to be eaten so it's no big deal if they don't hatch.    Any advice?
I've never hatched before.

Have just watched this video and I have to say I'm very sceptical about it. He shows no results and I just can't see how an embryo would develop let alone a chick hatch. Incubation is about trying to copy what the broody hen would do having a lamp just on top of the eggs would not give an even temp around the eggs therefore having hot and cold spots on the eggs. When the hen sits or you have an incubator it's all enclosed round your eggs as mother hen sits she warms the nest from underneath too as the whole nest warms up. Sprinkling water on chickens eggs is not good for them and unless you have very high humidity in the room I can't see how they would be able to pip through and zip the shell. But that said that's just my opinion and if the eggs are not important you never know unless you try. Good luck if you do give it a whirl.
Thanks for the advice. I don't know if I'm going to try it or not. If you look in the comments several people say that it worked for them.
I'm going to try and start incubating today! How long should I wait for the egg to get room temp. The egg is in the fridge.
Do you think it'll hold a more even temp if I put the egg in a basket or something? I'm going to try and get a pullet to hatch so I'm going to try and use even the methods that people said didn't work. I'm going to try and find the roundest egg and then I'm think there's a special temp that supposed to hatch out more pullets?
I'm just not sure but because I've never seen this method before I would give it a shot.
The temp and egg shape for more pullets is an old wives tale, you really can't know what the chicks will be as the sex of the embryo is determined when the egg is fertilized. Give it whirl though.

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