I think it's a turkey, but either way need advice please

Crickett B

9 Years
Aug 26, 2010
Blue Ridge Mountains
My turkey, Pearl, had decided to go broody in the woods and was mauled by some unknown creature. (She survived but with most of her scalp gone, though now she is back to almost normal) Since I could not find her nest, I put 9 chicken eggs with the 4 turkey eggs she later laid.

Last week one hatched and I think she stepped on it and killed it, one did not develop and one is still under her. My problem is this morning, now I have something that hatched, and I believe it was the 4th turkey egg.

I took it from her and have it laying under a 75 watt light in a laundry basket. It is still bloody, and breathing. Is this light appropriate for the poor thing?

I just went through a massive loss with all my younger chickens(80 in two weeks) due to a darn weasel, and desperately want this little thing to make it. Is there any other advice that you guys may have that might help to increase it's chances?

Thank you so much in advance,
keeping it warm and that's what you are doing. you might put something around the edges of the basket to keep the heat in and the drafts out.
cardboard works well for this either inside the basket or out but be careful where the light is so it doesn't start a fire.
I have it on a towel in the basket. It sure has scooted around a lot to still be wet and bloody. But it has dried off much since I found it. But it also appears to have bald spots near its back side.

Thank you so much for your reply.
if you could put a thermometer near, the temp should be close to 100 for at least a few days. Do you have any pics? Good luck and keep us posted
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Yes, let's see some pictures!

Also if you have or get a baby chick right away, I would put it with it cause they kinda need the chick to show/remind them to eat and drink, plus I think they do better when not alone...

I second,
if you could put a thermometer near, the temp should be close to 100 for at least a few days.

, keep an eye on the temperature to be sure. They are pretty wimpy the first couple of weeks...​
It is still alive, but the ugliest thing I have ever seen.
I have a Narragansett hen and a either a Bourbon Red or a Bronze Breasted Tom (I can't tell them apart) The other chick, that was stepped on looked nothing like this one.


Right after I discovered it and put it in the laundry basket



I can't figure out why it has the bald spot, or why the right eye is still "glued" shut and has not opened, but the left one is fine
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