I think i've identified the roo!


11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Blue Ridge Mountains, NC
Ok. tell me if this lines up. This one chick (buff orp) is slightly larger than the others, larger beak, and comb, less feathers than the others including wing and tail feathers. Could this be the roo? Any other signs to look for?
They are usually friendlier and more brave.even real young you can see it. Mine tried to crow @ 4 weeks old so it was easy. But I have a 3 week old chick that pecks @ my hand when I reach in the cage and does it as if "GET OUT" LOL
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I used to try to guess too, especially watching for comb size. Just wait till he starts trying to crow!! LOL! It's the silliest, funniest sound you've ever heard a chicken make!!
Our Buff Orpington Rooster was our favorite hands down. He was a great leader and protector of his flock, but he was good and gentle with us, which is a prized quality when you let them free range with toddlers about.

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