I think I've spoilt my hens.....Help Please

I have 4 free range hens. Layer, grit and oyster shell are available. I give a little scratch and sometimes some kitchen scraps. They ignore half the treats I offer, and barely touch the layer, grit or oyster shell. I usually get 3 nice eggs a day, and one is broody. They just find their own food.
funny and very true last line!
Don't worry if they don't eat all the layer pellets you give them. Mine also prefer table scraps and garden greens to their pellets. Just keep the pellets available for when they are in the mood for that taste.
If you are really worried abut them not eating their pellets you might try making it mash. My chickens think that when I put warm water on the their food (the same stuff that is in the feeder) in a pie tin, it is something different and they mob me to get to it. They are usually on the pan before I can put it all the way on the ground.
Mine prefer crumbles to pellets.
They do free range, and they get a bit of treats everyday, and just a sprinkle of scratch in the AM. I also have a bowl of oyster shell for those that want it.
I fill my 3-gal hanging feeder about a third full once a week.
Thanks everyone for all the great advice, I'm going to give it to them crumbed up (Gunna use the food processor) and see how that goes, if that doesn't work and they still won't eat it, I'll mix the crumble with water. Fingers crossed they start eating it again, it's just so i know they are getting all the right stuff so their eggs are as tasty as they can be and they stay healthy.

Cheers again everyone
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