I think my chicken is dying. what can I do for her?

That's what I'm hoping! She has a will to recover EXCEPT for when we are force-feeding her. :barnie Then she acts like she'd rather die trying not not to recover lol. She really fights! "What, are you trying to kill me with these life-saving meds? How DARE you try to give me nutrients, peasant."
I think thats a good sign to lol! She has enough will and strength to make it very clear what she doesn't like hahahah!
Thanks for the recommendation. I'm currently using up bene-bac small animal probiotic powder. I'll try the dogs naturally next--sounds like it might be more cost effective. My vet is actually recommending one more round of antibiotics for better or worse... Sadly they've been so delayed with calling it in that cordy might be without for a couple days in the interim. But maybe it'll be a good break.

I remember when my EE was recovering from EYP she seemed to bounce back miraculously AS SOON AS she finished her abx. I always wondered if it was hard on her stomach, so going off it made her appetite spring back.

What is the recommended dosage for oregano oil? I'd be happy to read the article! Colloidal silver has worked well for me as an alternative, too (which I believe was what kept Corey's issue at bay for so long), but it's not something she could be on longterm.
I'll link the article here, you want to make sure that you down use Essential oil, hence the reason the article calls it oil of oregano, so you don't accidentally buy essential oil.
I think the couple days will be a good break. I'm all for natural treatments, so holding off will be a good chance for you to see her med free, and make a decision as to whether or not you think she needs to second round.
Colloidal silver, I'll have to keep that in mind! Good to know!
Natural antibiotics alternatives
Probiotic supplements
Which probiotics work best, and which to choose

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