I think my chicken's eggs are making me sick

I've had those... I don't get the cramp sensation the OP describes. it's more like someone's wedged a dinner knife up under my ribs - I want to move and stretch and shift position to relieve the pain but it doesn't help. and they go on for 12 hours to 2 days.

food reaction for me is sometimes stomach acid / heartburn type pain, and sometimes intestinal cramps and burn like mentrual cramps - heat and pain in the low ab, not up under the ribs. usual duration is 4 hours to maybe a day.

still, if you want to test the theory, what I've found works best is cream cheese - cheese cake, bagels with cream cheese in a thick layer... that's the thing that will set off a gall bladder attack faster than anything.

it's all detective work...
I have chickens and I used to have ducks. After eating duck eggs for a while I started to notice I would feel nauseated after eating them.
It got progressively worse over the course of a couple months. I suspected duck eggs but it took me a bit to know for sure. I used to scramble
1 duck egg with 1 chicken egg. I tried just chicken eggs and I was fine. Next time I ate 2 duck eggs and was so sick. No more duck eggs for me.
Just thought I'd throw this out there ... I had to lay off eggs during all 3 of my pregnancies
... just sayin'
thx everybody u all had some useful ideas. the one about the gall bladder one i sure hope is not the problem cause I dont have one anymore. better not anyway, but I do think I have phantam pains in that area sometimes. But mine was removed about 5 years ago and was diseased. I am not craving eggs for awhile but I will test some eggs in a batch of cookies or cakemix to make sure i can atleast still enjoy that for now. I think Iam going to get some different feed also for chickens. I will try the separation of eggs to see if its duck or chicken ,, when i feel brave again;)
. My husband said I should try some store bought eggs. So let me put on my detective hat!!
I have the same problem.

Can use them in baking and other dishes, but by themselves, my stomach is upset with me the rest of the day. Store bought eggs I don't have the reaction to.

I have yet to figure out why, but I hate eating store bought eggs. I tend to "suffer" through it...

Now, having said that, when I eat duck, quail or goose eggs, I don't get sick. Go figure?
Did you add cheese or some other type of condiment to your scrambled eggs? You said a hard boiled egg did not make you feel sick but the scrambled did..... this leads me to believe it is either something you are cooking with, something you are cooking IN, or something you have added to your scrambled eggs.

I highly doubt you could have an allergic reaction to store bought eggs any different than your own chicken's eggs.... an egg is an egg is an egg..... the only differences would be that your chickens are probably better fed and healthier.

Time for experimentation.... try to figure out if you feel crampy when you eat anything else..... then do a process of elimination. That is what an allergy doctor will do anyhow.

Good luck....
I'm going to say the duck eggs are the culprit. My cousin can eat chicken eggs, but she becomes violently ill after eating duck eggs. Not sure what the difference is, but she can not eat them.

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