I Think My Roo Is Going Broody!


11 Years
Jun 11, 2008
My BR Roo, Strangle, is a bit of an odd fellow, he tried to become aggressive when he was around 12 weeks old, and I used Rooster Reds methods on him for taming a roo, and it worked. He is now a very tame and calm roo, protective of his hens, but not floggy or rude to humans. He has been doing some very odd things lately, and I caught him in the act on this one, he was in the coop, sitting on a nest, pulling straw up around himself and making those odd chuuring and cooing noises that hens make when they want you to leave the eggs alone. He sat there for quite awhile, and he built himself quite a nest. My 12 year old son was quite worried and he told me that if Strangle lays an egg, he is outta here!

Have any of you ever had a roo do something like this?
All the time, He is digging a nest for the hens, My white cochin bantam does this on a daily basis for his girls, he will even lay in the nest box with them until they are done

In this pic crash just got done digging ginger a nest and was just about to hop in with her when i took the pic
My roo, pimp daddy, builds nests for his ladies, too. Its fascinating to watch him get in the nest, settle in, then start making squealing, chooking, and other strange sounds. And the hens will just go in and lay their eggs. He's like a foreman or lead chicken or something. Who knows what goes through the mind of a chicken....LOL
I have a silkie roo that will make a nest for his "wife" and then she will go in a lay he egg !!!! but then again iv'e heard of silkie roo hatching eggs also, so who knows !!! WEIRDOS HUH ?????
My ee roo did the same thing yesterday..... he carried on a good 30 minutes and then got out of the nest and the hen got in and wala.....an egg!!
With all the neutering and removing of males that has gone on around here lately, my son thought that maybe Strangle was just trying to pass as 'gender confused" in order to gain my sympathy so I wouldnt send him packing like I did most of the other critters of the male persuasion.
My new roo, Brutal, cannot decide if he wants to run from me of flog me, but because he is so small and fast, it really doesnt matter what he does, I couldnt catch him to deal with him either way!

By the way, anyone have an idea what he is? He has feathers on his legs, a pea comb, and he is beautiful! I saved him from a horrible end.

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