I Think Theres Something Wrong With This Duckling!!!! Pics Added...


10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
Hello,i just hatch ducklings for the first time.1 pipped at the wrong end.i helped a little and its fine.the second 1 came out on its own.the third was the first to pip,thurs. night,and still hadnt made much progress by today.so i zipped for him and he still had trouble so i finally just helped him the rest of the way out.now all the babies came out with alot of slimy stuff.dont no if thats normal but i do think my humidity was to low.so i left him in the bator to dry and i heard him really crying,went in the bator and he was stuck to the bottom of the bator.so i pulled him out and cleaned him up and put him in the brooder to dry.i noticed his toes are a little curled and it just seems like his whole body is kinda curled kinda like hes got scoliosis (sp?) now all this just happened and hes not even dry yet.am i worrying to soon or is there a prob..im sorry the pics arent that good.i can post more if need be.any adviced would be greatly appreciate..thanks..

Awww. Hatchlings are usually born slimy-wet-slick. Then they dry and fluff. I would give him a chance to straighten out, possibly 3-5 days. Being in an egg is not easy. With his toes, if they remain curled, make him little snow shoes and tape them to his feet. This will straighten them, maybe someone can give you directions and how long to leave them on.

If he needed help getting out, he may have been malpositioned, and that causing the curved body.

I don't think you had your humidity too low if they were born wet and not stuck to their shell. And sometimes things happen because of genetics-there's alot of inbreeding involved to get breeds.

Please update when you can.
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thanks,i appreciate the encouragement.i hatched them for a friend and wont let them go til i no that ones ok.i no how to do the booties,ive had to for some chicks before.curled toes dont bother me as much as the curving of his body.poor little guy.
I think what you do is cut out some cardboard to the size of their feet, and wrap tape around it. Snug enough to lay his toes straight, but not so tight to cut off his circulation.
yeah ive done it for chicks,i figured it would be the same way for a duckling.im just hoping time will help.i have enough special needs pets..lol
well hes definitely showing improvement.that left foot is still turning in some but hes eating,drinkink,pooing and keeping up pretty well with the other 2.ill give him 2 days,by day 3 if its not straight ill do the booty..

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