I thought Billy was starting to like hay...


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
because it was disappearing pretty quickly from the rack I improvised to hold it. Yesterday I saw a cow straining to squeeze her nose thru the fence so she could eat it!

This wouldn't bother me except not 100 yds. behind the cow was a new round bale put out for the cow and her kin. I sooo can't wait until Billy is in his own yard, inside one fence inside another. It is kinda cute to see these young heifers check out Billy. He fascinates them. I wonder what they think he is?
They probably thing he sure smells funny LOL Just a thought - One of the ways animals dominate other animals is by taking their food.
One way to fix the cow is putting up an electric stran of fence if you can. Or if this is the back of Billy's feeder and he can feed from another side, put some wiremesh fencing over the hole. You would still get the air flow through but hopefully it would keep her out.
Thanks Miss Prissy, I didn't know that. I guess that also explains why Kitty is head honcho around here. When I feed Jake table scraps I've seen Kitty walk up and hold him back with her paw on his face while she eats them all. Jake just stands there and lets her do it.
Thanks Miss Prissy, I didn't know that. I guess that also explains why Kitty is head honcho around here. When I feed Jake table scraps I've seen Kitty walk up and hold him back with her paw on his face while she eats them all. Jake just stands there and lets her do it.

When he lets her, he's just saying "ok, your boss, just dont hurt me." sounds like men in marriages...
* Guess it's also time to reconsider if it's worth it to make the effort to put hay down for the goat if he's not been the one bothering to eat it!!!
Maybe he'd like alfalfa better??
d.k :

* Guess it's also time to reconsider if it's worth it to make the effort to put hay down for the goat if he's not been the one bothering to eat it!!!
Maybe he'd like alfalfa better??

Well, from what I've learned from the good people here on BYC, he needs to be eating more hay and less grain. Grain was all he ever had before I got him. He does nibble on the hay and he's learning to graze more.
He pitched an absolute hissy fit yesterday when I walked out to his bowl, dropped in a small handful of goat treat, and walked away without giving him his usual grain. He jumped up on top of his house and starting stomping up and down. Reminded me of a 2 year old (human).

Oh, and we tried both local co-ops, no alfalfa available right now.​
As I read your post, I remembered when I was a kid, they used to put a forked stick on the neck of the cows to keep them from putting their heads through the barbed wire.

And, I realized that I hadn't seen that in years. Maybe that isn't the custom in this country now?

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