I thought bumble? what do you think? gross pics for the sensitve


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
SW Ohio
my hen started limping last week (when I noticed) I read about the bumbles on here, so I figured thats what it was. Not so sure now.
When reading on here about bumbles, people talked about pus, well she didnt have any pus, it was hard. there was a very hard piece
on the side, I soaked, then had to pry it out with tweezers. Once I got it out there was hard yellow stuff underneath. no pus. It was/is swollen.
other then the foot she seems fine. I dont know what else to do with it. I dont know if I should cut the bottom of the pad off to get the
hard, packed yellow stuff out or what.
so what do you guys think?

sorry the pics arnt the greatest, my son took pics while I held her.
In the first pic the hard scab was at the top where it looks like its half gone. The dark spot top/left was connected to the piece I took off. I pushed it back through the hole on the top.
The spot on the bottom was not part of the hard scab

The second one Im holding the flap up, the small white piece you see (looks kinda like bone) it is the hard yellow stuff underneath. I cut the flap off.

Im done for the night, so I packed the hole with neosprn. cotton pad and vet wrapped it to keep all in place and turned her back out with the rest. she seemed fine. will have to check again tomorrow.
Looks like Bumblefoot to me. The pus is the hard yellow stuff you got out. It comes out either in a 'plug' form or it could be stringy. I have had to girls have this. They were purchased from someone that didn't take the time to look at his chickens, but I have had to perform the surgery 2 times on them. I then took them to the vet and had her go in and make sure i had gotten it all out. One I hadn't cause it was way up inside the foot and it was hard for me to get to. The other the vet said looked good. Well NOT. she has it again and I have to get my broody hen out of the garage to get it out again. It is a hard thing to get rid of but if you are patient and work hard and keep going in for several days after the initial surgery you should do fine.

Applauds to you for takin this on. I was scared to death the 1st time. My hand shook like crazy and was so afraid to hurt her. They are pretty tough birds and pain doesn't really bother them to much.

Good Luck and keep up the hard work.
thanks chickenlady, when i think of puss i think of yellow oozy stuff, not hard cheesey looking.
well if I have to get all the yellow stuff out, then Im going to have my work
cut out for me for awhile. cause i have to dig in under her skin to get it. Im tempted to slit the bottom of her foot and scrape it all out. dont know if i should or not.
Ive not had any of my birds have this yet, this is a first for me.

as for getting it done, well I have horses too, and 2 years ago 1 of them got caught up in fence and sliced his leg up pretty bad, and I had to cut his tendon that had come through
his skin. After that I think I can do just about anything.

so should i slice the bottom of her foot and scape whats left out?
I replied yesterday but somehow it didn't post. Oh well, I am sorry. I think you asked in an earlier post if you should but the pad off and my answer to that would be No. I never really had to cut the foot to much. I had a big enough hole that i didn't have to cut. I had to scrap around the plug and then dig inside the foot. I tried to do everything the least traumatic for my girls. I didnt' want them to have to be on the mend for longer than they should be. I did soak the foot everytime I went up inside it to help get the bandage off.

I think from the looks of the hole in the picture you shouldn't have to cut anymore. But that is just my opinion. I am sorry I am not much help to you. but just maybe I helped you a little.

Oh and I to think of pus as runny yellow stuff. When I had read on it being hard or cheesy I was that much more convinced that I was going to mess up, but one is great and the other I have to get soon. Again.
I've dealt with bumblefoot too. I recommend you soak her foot in warm water with epsom salts in it,for about 20-30 minutes. That will help draw the pus out or at least loosen it up softening the tissue too, making it easier for you to extract. You have to get it all out,soaking is best, and resoak if necessary and keep digging that stuff out. Try to get it all or you'll be doing this all over again. You've done an excellent job so far. The only thing I'd do different is seperate her from the others, putting her in a cage for some R&R. Give her some plain yogurt and a little scrambled egg mixed with her feed. We know she's stressed and the yogurt will help her immune system and protein from the egg will help her also. I dont think you should open her foot any further,looks pretty open to me as it is.
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