I thought they were girls, but now I think they're boys. Help!

Both 100% boys! A lot of the larger breeds take a while to mature and fill in. In a few more months, they'll start filling in and looking more massive like their dad. Beautiful birds!
Hercales, yes WAS, a massive & beautiful bird. He started getting nasty towards me after a coyote attack where we lost several birds. He only got worse and got to the point where I couldn't go out on my front porch w/o him attacking me. I got tired of bleeding so we sent him down the road to live with a guy who had several other chickens. We learned like 2 weeks ago that Herc got into a fight with a hawk that was trying to make off with one of his ladies and he lost the fight.
He knew he was pretty too. He used to like to stare at his reflection off my Mustang. He would literally stand there for hours staring at himself. He was taller than the wheel wells.

The lighter colored one is already looking a lot like him in the face. The redder one right now is right inbetween his mom and dad. His mom is actually my avatar, but that's from when she was a few months old.

Thanks everyone again for your feedback. Leave it to Hercales to give me 2 boys out if the 3 of his babies that I kept.
Like I said, I think I've known they're boys, I just wanted confirmation b/c I wanted them to be girls so badly, but as long as they stay nice and everyone gets along I'll keep them.
I know I'm probably thinking people thoughts instead of what your Rooster was thinking. But I feel really bad that your Herc was killed, because of what you said about him, that he was nice until the coyote attacks, That must of been a stressor for him, losing his girls, getting more, he was probably bound and determined that he was going to protect them at all cost, he probably saw everything including you as a threat, keyed up all the time, on edge, it was his job and he was doing it, Make no mistake there is no good reason to keep a Rooster around if they are Nasty, and you did the right thing by sending him away, I just can't help but feel bad for him. I was wondering if when the hawk got him, he was defending his flock, even though he was nasty to you, he died a chicken hero to his ladies. I certainly hope that my Rooster would do that for his girls if the time ever came that he had to do it. I think he would but you just never know til it happens.
So RIP Hercules!

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