I ,too have concerns about supporting some of the large hatcheries.


10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
Central NH
A friend of mine in NH ordered 26 chicks from Murray McMurray and was informed that they would be sent out on Sat. 2/14. She tried to contact M. M. to remind them that Mon 2/16, Presidents day, was a federal holiday and P.O.s would be closed, to no avail. The chicks were sent, all were DOA. When she got in touch with the hatchery, they refunded her money and offered to send the chicks again ,free of charge. Since this is the 2nd time in 1 year this has happened to her she declined their offer. They sent 26 more chicks any way and again they were all DOA. She called the hatchery to let them know the situation and to suggest they look into faster shipping or not shipping to this part of the country until temp.s were warmer. The response she got was" Murray McMurray has been shipping chicks this way for years and has no intention of changing it". I find their response dispicable. The blatant disregard for their animals well being has certainly affected my feelings about ordering chicks from large hacheries. Murray McMurray has definately lost me as a patron.
yea its sad. they hatch chicks regardless and they must get rid of them so they just shell them out. Chicks are just pennies to them and they have to be cold to not care. But it is up to us as buyers to be educated, aware and to know when to order them because of climent and distance. I would order from a hatchery that is closer to where you are located if distance is a problem. I would also wait untill it is for sure spring and warm before ordering because it could be hot one day and cold the next right now. Good luck!
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Its largely a luck of the draw situtation. The one and only time I ordered from from McMurray their customer service was impeccable, and top notch. And though I did receive some that were DOA, which is the nature of the game, McMurray did everything in their power to go above and beyond to replace them.
yea I guess it depends on which customer service person you get handeling your case. some Genuinely care and others hate their job. That too is the luck of the draw!

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