I want a broody ! How can I make a broody ? ?

math ace

10 Years
Dec 17, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Here is the deal - - -15 hens and not a single broody !

Do they go more broody at a certain time of year, a certain temperature, a certain amount of light or a certain min age? ? ?

How frequently will they go broody ?

What can I do to encourage someone to go broody ? ? ?

I have a dum dum hen who steals everyones eggs and golf balls. Then she lays her own egg. THEN SHE LEAVES THE NEST !
What's up with that ?
You should try separating the hen that steals the other eggs.
Put her in her own crate on a clutch of eggs, she might just end up setting if she can't run away.
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i've heard of amish folks setting a hen down on a nest full of eggs, several times, a day, every day, and it working. my friends also heard that and tried it and they said it worked. i have no idea--my broody just did it on her own. best thing you can do to increase your chances is invest in breeds that tend to go broody, imo. mine was a black java but i want to hatch out a couple silkies to be my designated brooders.
I've got marans, EE, wyandottes, welsummers, wyandottes, and leghorns.

I, also, have speckled sussex and partridge rocks that are POL. . . . ..

The one that steal eggs is a maran. I don't expect the leghorn to EVER go broody,
but you would think one of the others would want to try it out.
Some never go broody. It's hormonal and many hatchery birds have that trait bred out of them today in favor of egg production. Only a couple of my older hatchery girls have ever gone broody. Even my banty Cochin has only gone broody one time in her three years of age.
I've never heard of being able to bring on broodiness...I guess I thought it was kind of a hormonal thing. And it's probably partly seasonal too (although with your location, who knows?)...I don't think a lot of hens go broody in the fall and winter. My wyandotte has gone broody before, but unlike you, I wasn't wanting that. None of my others have, although my BO has those tendancies occasionally. I agree with looking at breeds known for broodiness...
my silkie has been like this for 3 weeks... sad thing is I have no eggs to give her.. Its so funny to see her PUFF up and scream at me when i go near her.. I do toss her in the yard just to make myself feel better. She eats, drinks and RUNS and i do mean RUNS right back to her nest.. here she is befor going broody..


and after...


Id say get a silkie for sure......
Well I feel like we've hit the jackpot!!! We have 3 broodies, one Barred Rock, one heritage RIR and one Black (of BBS) orpington .....Whewee, I was like a kid in a candy store, piling eggs underneath them, then hubby and his craze for guineas, claimed one for guinea hatching! Smile! I've never tried making them broody and this time of year, I'm surprised to see so many broodies!

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