I want a Jersey Giant roo. Is he too big to be covering

Knock Kneed Hen

California Dream'in Chickens
9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
So. Cal.
Heavy breed hens like BR, ORP, AUST? Does anyone know if they are nice Roos? I have small children and don't want a rooster terrorizing them.

OR, is there one that you recommend. I just want one to strut around, look handsome, and keep the girls in line. Won't be breeding for chicks.
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Well how much does your Jersey weigh?
Your hens weight?
I think Jersey are docile and gentle gaints, just they get very heavy.

And welcome to the Forum.
Boxstall!! Personally I have heard that Barred Rock roos and Australorp roos are very good w/ children. Don't know myself as my flock is only 9 days old

My roo is a LF dark brahma and at almost two years old he's huge. It doesn't seem to bother my smaller hens.
I have a 13 lb jersey that is gentle as can be he covers all my girls from my light brown leghorn to my ee's. he has even covered my spitzenhauben girls who only weigh about 5lbs if it is nice it will be good
I LOOOOVE my giant cochin boy!!! He is super gentle and sweet...very passive! I have four boys 11yrs, 4yrs, 2yrs, and 1yr and this roo free ranges with our girls in the yard! He does a GREAT job keeping the girls safe and in line and mates with them but is a gentleman about it...he only mates with the girls his size not the banties. Anywho...giant cochins are awesome to look at in the yard and everyone that comes over to visit always comments on him! Here's a pic!
Thank you all for replying. I was having second thoughts about getting a roo and after reading your posts am back to thinking it would be great:celebrate!! The big Cochin boy is a beauty!! Hhhmmmmm, now which one? LOL Thanks!!

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