I want something....different!

I've had Wyandottes in the past and liked them a lot. I had blue laced reds - not sure if they're available there. Silver laced are my second favorite. Currenly I only have Faverolles.


NH Reds are New Hampshire Reds, an American breed. From Feathersite

If you already have a leghorn and like it, have you considered some of the other colors of leghorn, the Exchequer Leghorns are pretty neat looking. Don't know if you can get them over there.
Yes we have most, if not all the Wyandotte colours. Blue Laced Reds or Blue red laced or any colouring like that in the Wyandottes I find really cool.

Your favs are lovely, they are Salmon, right?
Ahh, New Hampshire, they do have them over here but because they are an old breed they are very rare. They are also a bit to 'plain' looking ( no offense ).
If you already have a leghorn and like it, have you considered some of the other colors of leghorn, the Exchequer Leghorns are pretty neat looking. Don't know if you can get them over there.

I actually have 6 Blue Leghorn eggs in my bator now so I will have some other colours.
The Exchequer's are nice but again rather rare over here, so are most apart from the Browns and Whites. We also don't have Isabel's over here.
I don't see why having a White Leghorn is going to help in breeding any other colours of Leghorn?

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