I want to get a rooster, what breed should I get?


8 Years
Jan 16, 2012
I am planing on getting a rooster. I want to know what breed to get. I LOVE the BO breed. I have never had a rooster. What do you recommend. I also need him kid-friendly. What do you think about EE or BO rooster? I would also like to hatch chicks too. Thanks!
A Buff Orp will be a great rooster for you. I would also recommend a Buckeye. Truly, though, nobody can say what a rooster's temperament will turn out like. You just have to wait and see. I've had about 50% nasty roosters, and 50% nice. So it's the luck of the draw, I'm sorry to say.
I have 2 BO roosters and they have never been aggressive toward people. That said, I have read about the occasional BO rooster who had an attitude. In general BO chickens have a reputation for having a good temperament. I don't know if I would trust any rooster around a toddler, even though I have seen some adorable photos of roosters with young kids.
There are NO kid-friendly breeds of roo. Your best bet is to get a 1+ year old roo whose owner can give you an accurate and detailed picture of their temperament. Otherwise, I'd wait until your kids are at least 4+ feet tall. Roos can be very dangerous to children and children are masters of pushing roos' aggro buttons.
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There are NO kid-friendly breeds of roo. Your best bet is to get a 1+ year old roo whose owner can give you an accurate and detailed picture of their temperament. Otherwise, I'd wait until your kids are at least 4+ feet tall. Roos can be very dangerous to children and children are masters of pushing roos' aggro buttons.
I agree that no "breed" is 100% kid friendly. It's always an individual thing. I also agree that a 1+ yo rooster, like RD said is your best bet. Unlike Chicmom, I have only had 2 mean roosters, out of hundreds, in 54 years raising fowl. It's definately a crap shoot and going the mature cock route vastly improves your chances of getting a good one..........Pop
i've got young children, i've found that if you raise the roo, allowing the kids to hold,chase,maul,torment etc etc...... basically let the kids do what kids do around the roo..... keep your eye on em, their fine.......... my roos see my toddler coming and pretty much head in the other direction..... i've had a few mean roos but all came from rhode island red mommas...... no more red roos for me... i've got an EE that is great, but my barred rock is super..... he'll sit next to ya on the porch overlooking the flock.....

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