I want to let the chickens out Question.

if you're really worried about them coming back, you can remove their feed a couple of hours before you let them out. then, use their feed to get them back in.
or, you can save their favorite treat for when you want them to come back.
i use a specific whistle every time i feed my chickens or give them a treat.
that way, whenever they hear that whistle, they come running. i have a separate whistle for my horses, so the whole farm doesn't come running!
I do something similar to the previous posters. We start letting them out an hour or two before they would normally go to roost. I have a chicken call (there's actually a thread on that), that goes something like "COME ON CHICKIES! - HERE CHICKIE, CHICK, CHICK!" - well, you get the idea. I'm sure one of my neighbors probably thinks I'm nuts. I also have a coffee can with some scratch in it that I shake when I'm calling them, or I bring out a pan of chicken mush. They are smart and will start to make associations with the scratch feed or any other treats you associate with their call. When they come running, I head to the pen and then toss a few handfuls of the scratch inside and - VOILA! - they all come in and I close the gate.

I couldn't believe how easy it was to train them. Like any other animal, all you need is a good motivator (usually food!) to reward them with.

I so love watching them catch bugs. We even had one pullet catch a small toad and go running across the yard with it hanging out of her beak with all the rest of the ladies in tow. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen, but I'm sure the poor toad didn't think so.

Update!!! I let em out & they chased & caught grasshoppers. More chasing than catching.It was hot so they basically stayed in the shade.Guess they got thristy & all but 2 went into the coop on their own. I persuaded the other 2 .It was a funny site. Next time I'm gonna wait till its closer to dusk.
I usually wait a week or so but have had good luck only waiting 2 days as well. I only waited 1 week for my guineas and they are better at coming in than my chickens
Yep, dang chickens I'm attached already. Their not but I am. I'm already calling them my babies guess we all love our babies. I'll definately keep an eye out for them.
that is a hysterical name! Mine have always been food motivated. When I'd feed them I'd call "chick, chick, chick" and hand feed them. Shake the pail and make it a sport. Now if I so much as walk out there they come running. You wil LOVE watching them run around chasing the bugs. I worried at first too and have only had one casualty when they were out. Now I listen for the hawk and probably won't let them out in late winter unless they are supervised. This time of year there is enough natural prey the hawk hasn't been an issue and the salmon are running so the eagles go there first. I've discovered contray to popular animal shows like Wild Kingdom, the "sky rats as they are known here prefer dead carion to live chicken. Have fun.

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