I have 1 qty - 29wk old/ 4 qty - 28wk olds/ 3 qty- 24wk olds/ 7 qty- 18 wk olds and dang it if I'm only getting 1 or 2 eggs per day. Some days ZERO!! They are all on Flockraiser as I have mixed ages all together and can't feed them laying pellets. When I got my babies (now 8 weeks old) each of the older girls took turns going broody, but I didn't let them set. So...don't you think with 14 girls all laying age I should be getting more than 0-3 eggs per day?? I mean come on...I go through 50 pounds of feed a week for my flock of 66. Am I not feeding them enough in addition to their free ranging and treats? Any ideas??