I was sold this "araucana" by a feed store... is that what she is? And she is A SHE right?

That is what I thought...thanks!
I dont understand why the feed store ( I used to work there) would sell them as Araucanas... Weird.
i dont think a feedstore wuld ever have rumpless araucanas

they are a specialist breed that breeders have hatcheries and feedstores usually have EEs

which yours looks to be
Feed stores only label chicks what the hatchery tells them to. Araucanas are super rare and NO hatchery sells them, but they insist on disseminating misinformation.

You have a pretty Easter Egger that looks to be a pullet at this point.
Thanks everyone, glad to know she looks like a she too! :D
I dont mind having an Easter Egger, I think she is prettier than most Araucanas anyways ;)
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