i was told this was a Ameraucana pullet and its not either one!!!


6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
Ocala, Florida!
When i got this chicken i was told it was a ameraucana pullet now all i know its a rooster of some sort does anyone know what breed this guy can be?

Yes thats the only thing i do know lol its a really pretty roo i love all his different colors. also he is very nice. seems like i got a lot of mystery chickens LOL it will be fun to watch them grow . it will be sad to get rid of almost of the roosters . in a few weeks i weeks im just gonna buy older birds so im sure of what sex they are LOL
Mix breed roosters make some of the prettiest chickens to look at. All those colors! He should be fabulous looking by the time he's 6 months old!
Thanks! I just got done talking to my boyfriend and we decided out of the 3 roosters we will keep this guy :) i will bump my other thread so you guys can take a look at my other roos and my other mystery bantam LOL
Lack of beard, muffs, the comb is single not pea, and his plumage doesn't match that of a recognized Ameraucana...

I'm impressed; you spelled 'Ameraucana' right, too!
I got into an argument with a person (not on BYC!) who thought it was spelled Americana... LOL!
Lack of beard, muffs, the comb is single not pea, and his plumage doesn't match that of a recognized Ameraucana...

I'm impressed; you spelled 'Ameraucana' right, too!
I got into an argument with a person (not on BYC!) who thought it was spelled Americana... LOL!
So many people spell ameraucana wrong! The other day someone was looking at some chicks I hatched out (not on byc) and only one of the chicks was purebred (a blue ameraucana) and the rest were mixes. They picked up this chick with feathered legs, puffy cheeks, and black and brown feathers and tried to argue with me that this chick they were holding was the purebred blue ameraucana. The thing that made this kind of funny was they know absolutley nothing about chickens LOL!(they couldnt tell a hen laying eggs from a rooster crowing, just kidding). But the thing I dont get is this chick had really feathery legs, so why they thought it was a blue ameraucana i have no idea expecially since this chick wasnt a greyish and white color. But I had to laugh in the end.

Dezziy your chicken is very pretty, but i dont know what it is. Good luck with him!
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looks to me like a legbar cross
Which would be much more likely if the OP were in the UK. Legbars are still pretty rare in the US and not near as likely to be breeding to make generic mixed breed birds. Much more likely it has barred rock ancestry, they're common as dirt around here.
Which would be much more likely if the OP were in the UK. Legbars are still pretty rare in the US and not near as likely to be breeding to make generic mixed breed birds. Much more likely it has barred rock ancestry, they're common as dirt around here.

you have a point

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