I wish I had thought of keeping ducks!

I would not want to be bailing water! We got a galvanized round livestock trough, and raised it up on pallets. My husband made a hole at the bottom of it so we can attach a hose and drain it onto our fruit trees. So far that seems to be working well...
Sorry, they can and will be carried off by a predator, if one can get to them. We lost half our flock last summer to a fox. He recently made a new appearance and took out my two geese.

Sorry I meant hawks, owls, and flying predators. So sorry for your loss!
I too am looking at getting a few ducks...
I have a garden, but we are 'short' on water here in summer, late summer mostly...
is it ok to use the water for the garden?
I can do that... there is a bit of a rise in the hill over the garden.

how are Call Ducks?
do they fly?
I have probably a quarter acre that is around my well storage tank house, that has my garden, a pair of goats (nigi's) and my new chicken coop is being built there..
so, was thinking the ducks could live there too!
they could free range and be safe from the dogs... so long as the fence will keep them in!

I have kept chickens and ducks together with no problems, other than the aforementioned poopy mess. They truly do put any kid, DH or pet to shame in the mess department, and when in a brooder they STINK to high heaven. I mean, plan on cleaning it out twice per day (even with as few as 3 ducklings) if you don't want it stinking up the room. Mine generally free range the gardens, and yes they will eat any produce the come across so you need to net off any plants you don't want to share with them. I tried to use a kiddie pool and just dump it in the garden, but they decided that they preferred to share OUR pool. We didn't really mind, and there was NO keeping them out, at least not until it froze over
I don't think they are as friendly as my chix, but I raise some REALLY spoiled (like sit on the couch and watch tv with us) chickens.

All that said, I have 3 fuzzy babies in the brooder right now, so all told I must think it's worth it!
I wouldnt recommend ducks unless you love being out there everyday, and have the time to clean their water. They are dirty and messy, and stink much worse than chickens. They work for some people, but I didn't like them. I gave them away a few months ago. I'm just going to stick to chickens... MAYBE turkeys, but thats another adventure...

They are pretty birds though...



I think we will do two ducklings. I'm prepared for the mess now that I have seen up close the duckrun of 6 ducks here in town. It was muddy but the smell wasn't too bad...they even had five chickens in a neighboring run. If nothing else we will gain the experience of owning ducks...we better make sure we have duel purpose ducks in case we get hungry for cleanliness.
Hmmm...At what age are ducks most tasty?
Theyre WAY messy!

But I agree, theyre so cute! so cute you wouldnt mind the messyness
Youll be smiling every time you clean after them

I have two pekin ducks and theyre about a month old but Im so glad I chose them over any other pet.

I got mine at an outdoor swapmeet
I love my ducks, would have more if i could. My nubby loves them too wants to build them a pond that we can watch them play. Just coyotes make it tuff they have to be locked up at night and in the morning. I do find them a bit messy, but mine are really good. I use a bucket for their food and clip it to the cage. I do same thing with their water bucket. They have a pool I let them play in and then i change the water and put it away.. They know playtime. They eat my weeds which is so nice. I have one female who went broody a d is sitting 10 or more eggs. I adore them so much. Although I got muscovies because they didn't make noise it was because at the time I
Lived in the city. I have the land so I dong mind the mess. But I am freaking because hubby is getting pigs, heaven help me I think those are going to be messy

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