I woke up and my buff orp hen turned roo!


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
Southern PA
HELP!! I think Henrietta has suddenly turned into a Henry.
So Henrietta feathered in slower than her sister, Frannie, but both chickens have looked exactly the same for months. Here is one of Henrietta a month ago - no comb, same degree of face redness as the other chickens:

But yesterday I was snuggling this chicken, and it occurred to me that she is probably a Henry after all!! That comb sprouted up almost overnight.

It's difficult for me to be sure, since they are almost 5 months and there has been no crowing, AND the comb on Henrietta is not any larger than one of my production red's. But look at a few more photos and let me know what you think:
Henrietta on the left, Frannie on the right - Henrietta has a thicker neck, and her/his tail points upward compared to the other one:


I can't see any hackle or saddle feathers.

Here's a pic of Henrietta next to one of the reds so you can see how the combs aren't too different in size:

I also haven't seen any behavior from this chicken that is different from the other girls. The rooster I had until a few days ago treated him/her just like everyone else.

So am I dealing with two buff orp hens at different ends of a spectrum, or has a roo emerged after nearly five months?
I hope so!! When I got these chicks and people said, you may not know until it lays an egg or crows, I thought they were exaggerating. Boy was I wrong!
I had a BO than REALLY went from hen to roo overnight .... I think yours haven't went roo tho
Color is to evenly through the wing and no saddle feathers.

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