I would NOT want to faint in a chicken coop!

We used to let the chickens peck the sticky briars off our pants legs when we were kids.

Love the comment about the hubby. Not so sure my DH thought it was as funny as I did.
I slipped and fell in our chicken coop. Gashed my back and landed on a rock and sprained my shoulder. I had 4 girls and a roo checking me out. I will never forget how afraid I was for a few minutes. It took a few minutes for me to get up because I could not move my arm. As much pain as I was in I just wanted out of that coop before one of them "got" me.
LOL please, I dont even want to tell you that one day it was all muddy in the chicken run and I slipped....
I fell in all the disgusting mud and poop.

HAHAHAHA mine like my toes polished or not! Was assembling the peep pen inside the run yesterday and i had to keep telling them my toes arent food! Rings....we fight over my rings every day, doesnt bother me but i certainly do not want to sift intently thru poop to find the stones they might pluck out, so i turn those ones so the stones are in the palm of my hands. I had sneakers that had silver metal eyelets for the laces...those are a HIT in the coop! LOL We've got 1 right now who likes my hair ties and they are cloth, so I believe nothing is safe or sacred around the lil boogers.

My cockatiel used to get up on the couch while my mom was reading and peck at her glasses!! That lil bird had a death wish though, he would land on the psychotic siamese cat we had while she slept too!
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My roo would come after me if I wore anything bright blue, had to wear hen colors to be safe, he now lives elsewhere and my hens don't care what I wear.
Isn't it great to KNOW you're popular?! My chicks come running out of the coop every time they hear any human approaching, and I think it's because I always come down the driveway bearing treats--which are NOT my toes, NOT my earrings, and NOT my fingers!
Oh wow, now HERE's a household hint I need right this very minute. Thanks! (I am a teacher, working my way through the mountain of laundry that accumulated before school was out--I sure wore some funny old outfits as the semester rolled onward and all my faves were down the laundry chute!) I just got down to the "uncleanable" outfit covered with tiny burrs that I will simply NEVER have time to pick off.....

Gonna take those right down to the coop this very morning. (Will let you know if this works. Clearly a huge breakthrough in time-saving for gardeners and farmers.)
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