I wouldn't change one thing about my coop! Rain Barrel Pics as request


8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Valley City, OH
I love love love my new coop! With all the advice and suggestions I received on BYC I think I created the perfect small backyard flock coop!
What I love...
1. The gutter on the back of the coop that runs into our rain barrel. It is perfect for watering our garden
2. Sand in my run! It couldn't be easier to clean with a cat litter scoop and there is NO smell!
3. Hardwire cloth - after all the horror stories it was worth the $ to invest in protection rather than replacing our "pets"
4. Auto feeder and waterer makes my life so much easier
5. Sleek and clean design
6. The entire side to the left of the nesting boxes is on hinges and opens for easy easy cleaning
7. A boot tray under each perch (which are positioned by each window) allows me to dump them every couple of days and keep the coop practically POO free!
8. The raised coop design allows our hens access to lots of shade and they stay cool and we hang our chick feeder and waterer underneath and everything stays dry!
9. The run is completely dry and the roof provides protection from all weather
10. Hardware cloth AND mosquito netting on windows keeps the coop practically bug free
11. The ventilation is great in the coop with the open top under the roof (covered in hardware cloth) and the windows
12. The overhang on the roof makes ALL the difference with the weather staying away from coop and run

Right now our bantam polish chicks are in a small cage in our run I can't wait till they can be free with the big girls
Thank you all for your advice, suggestion and support! I Love BYC!

Pic: The entire left side hinges open to allow cleaning, basket hung near nesting boxes for easy egg collecting, blue bucket is automatic waterer which leads to nipple waterer underneath coop, rain barrel to collect water for our "chicken" garden

Pic: Automatic feederer, rain barrel setup and part of our outhouse I use for storage

Pic: Happy Chickens

I think I love your coop more than you do. What artistry! Love the sign, the weathervein, and the tilted planters beside the rain barrel. Never have I seen such an ecclectic colletion come together in total practicality and design. Kudos.

Hey, how about you plan to spend a weekend in this junkyard behind my house and see if you can be inspired to find a coop.
I really like the entire design. I like that it is a great looking, functional coop, but that you also included a lot of little add ons like the plants, wind chimes and signs. Just to quench my own curious nature how much did it all cost? If you tell me you got all the wood reclaimed or for free I have to move.

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