IA here

Thanks for all the positive reviews guys! For those interested I raise Iowa Blues and BW Ameraucanas and my website is www.rosewoodpoultry.weebly.com .

Checked out your site, VERY NICE! We also have a mutual friend that recommended your site to me, Sandi S. (quilting shed). I live between Mason and Nora Springs. I too used to raise the BW Ameraucanas, sold out of them in exchange for starting my Lavender Ameraucanas - it was a chicken math thing!
I live in Des Moines, IA and am looking for some fertilized eggs. I am wondering if there is anywhere local to get eggs and maybe a cool breed. Looking for 12-15 eggs. All help appreciated thanks!
I have Iowa Blues as well. I live near Cedar Rapids about 1.5 hours from Des Moines. PM me if I can help
I have fertile eggs available now and will have quite a few chicks coming soon.
Hello Fellow Iowans, I am new to the chicken world. I live near Iowa City and I am looking to start a backyard flock. Does anyone have any words of wisdom? (I have thoroughly read the learning center) Does anyone have tips of where to get chicks locally? I have found breeders and hatcheries scattered around and supply stores with hatchery chicks, but I would prefer to buy more locally if I can. I am very interested in Iowa Blues, Salmon Faverolles, and Americaunas or Easter Eggers. That said, since this is my first flock, I am open to suggestion.
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I'm assuming you're wanting large fowl stock? My advice is to get a little bit of everything, and then after 6 months or so decide what you like the best. That's how I ended up with Iowa Blues and Ameraucanas. Keep in mind Easter Eggers are a mixed breed, so if you want purebred go for Ameraucanas or Araucanas.
I have a mixed flock of large fiwl which is a lot of fun (I love having a bunch of different colors and shapes) but I really lucked out with their personalities meshing so well. I've heard that some breeds are a bad combination (depending on specific birds, of course) like Salmon Favrelles getting really picked on by more bossy hens, like Rhode Island Reds.

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