IA here

Cool! I have 6 hens, four of them are mixed breeds, they had an EE dad and various bantams for moms. And 2 are Speckeled Sussex that I picked up from wren on this board.

I am keeping my eye out to add some Welsummers, but nobody seems to have them. I have limited coop space so I am trying to go slow. If one of my hens ever goes broody it might be fun to come up and get some fertile eggs from ya to hactch! I have been thinking of having a few naked necks around because they are so odd looking.
I just updated the swap thread with this information:

"The show is Sat Nov 24th at the Sharpless Auction Bldg north of I80
east of Iowa City at Exit 249. The bldg will be open for public from 9PM
to 5PM as long as there is no interference with the judging process.
No fee to observe. Should come prepared to purchase somethng to take
home. There will be approx 1900 birds on display for judging plus sale
birds. "

I am excited, this is not far from me at all!
Any Iowans interested in going in on an order from sandhill this spring? I am thinking of getting some faverolles and maybe a couple others. Let me know.

Can't make it to the show this wknd bummer $$$ a little tight right now:mad:
For those Iowans who are familar with Charles city the old elevator on the east side of town burned to the ground tonight. I live a block and half from there. It was kinda a neat old building along the bike trail she is gone now. Wonder if the other building along there are gonna burn, seemed to take forever for the firetrucks to get there. My mom called me before they arrived on the scene they have a scanner. Big execitment in chuck town ha ha
Hi! Another Iowan checking in. Born and raised in Iowa City but came to my senses and moved to an acerage outside of Lost Nation (yes, really). Looking forward to chatting with more Iowans and learning about chickens. We were blessed to have a nice barn AND attached chicken coop on our land and are finally ready to take the plunge. Want to go with layers and fryers, but don't know much beyond that. I'm a chef to the butchering and dressing won't be a challenge for me, but I'm still trying to figure out what to feed them! Anyway, Nice to meet you all and will check in later,

Hi there, I'm in CT but had to say hi because my SIL and family are in Iowa City. They're not chicken people, they're horse people so maybe you don't know them. ;)LOL
Welcome Kent!!! Glad to see some more Iowans showing up. There are plenty of swaps all around these areas so you shouldnt have any problem at all finding chicks and anything else you want. Hope to hear how things are going in the future. Jenn
Thanks Jenn,

Well, that's one of my first questions. Do you buy chicks locally, at a "swap", or by mail? I'm 55 miles east of Cedar Rapids and 45 miles north of the Quad Cities. I would assume that there are hatcheries around here somewhere, is there a listing of them that you know of? What breeds do you use for layers and fryers? Thanks, Kent.
Another Iowan from southwest Iowa (Creston) here. I'm new to the chicken business. My niece gave me some eggs to hatch out last spring (EE's) and now I'm hooked. I live on 12 acres and have sheep, goats, and have a couple minature donkeys just for fun.

I've got an order in to McMurray for March 3. I'm going to start w/an assortment - some standard, some banties and some unusual - see what I like and go from there. I've debated back and forth on whether to have them mailed or go pick them up. It would be about a 2 1/2 hour drive one way so, I'm going to have them mailed and hopefully they will all survive the trip.

Would be interested in knowing about swap meets, etc.
Hey all you Iowans, I too, had to welcome you as I am a transplant here in Colorado. Grew up in CR, have brothers in Dubuque and Boone, my dad is in the Bettendorf and my daughter attends college across the river in Rock Island .

McMurray hatchery is in Webster City north of Boone.

I am an Iowa girl at heart, but cannot stand the humidity anymore!

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