IA here

Yep, I found Schelcht's site and did notice that they don't sex a lot of their chicks, so I have a couple of questions for all you more experienced folk...

My current plan is to get some fryers and some layers, looking at Jumbo Cornish Rock for fryers and Sex Link or Rhode Island Reds for layers.

1st question: I can get the Cornish sexed or straight run, but what is the advantage to getting all male (I assume it's an advantage as they are more expensive). Is it worth getting them sexed, or is it OK to have a mix?

2nd question: If I go with a layer that they don't sex, what do I do with the males? Can they be used for fryers, or am I better off making sure I get all pullets for layers?

And yes, that wind yesterday was something. Do you all have heaters in your coops? My coop is basic barn style walls but not insulated so I'm wondering if I'll need some type of heater for them over the winter.

Another question...to make things simpler is there a breed where I can just buy straight run, keep the pullets for layers and the males for fryers? That would seem to be simpler.

Anyway thanks in advance for any help on this stuff. Time to get the kids up for school...they go to Cal-Wheat so it's only a short drive down the road but it's -4 up my way.

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Hey Kent, I will try to answer your queations.
1. Roos will weigh more so if you are really into having heavy birds or are feeding several people then it might be more profitable to go with roos. Otherwise just get the straight run.
2. When going with straight run it is expected to get about a 50 50 split. Depending on what type you get for birds you can either take them to a local swap and try to sell them or butcher them. You just wont get as much breast meat as you would with a fryer bird.
I keep 2 heat lamps in my coop more for trying to keep the water from freezing then keeping the birds warm. But once you put them in a heated area you are going to want to keep them there. I have some ducks that I put in my dog kennel and now they are used to 40's so I dont want to put them outside again until spring. Your barn style will be fine as long as you dont have a lot of drafts for snow and cold to get in.
For your final question I would think a bird like buff orps would work good for an all around bird, my roo is very large. Just remember that when you are dealing with a bird not meant for meat they will get tough the older they are. Fryers are meant to fatten and grow fast and not move as much. The meat is then more tender. Jenn
I'm not from Iowa. But my parents live in Clear Lake. She has chickens ducks, Geese and turkeys. They have a nice little farm there and she has taken my extra chickens because i did't have room for them. I'm hatching out Silkies now and am going to give her my extras. I know they will go to a good home.
Thanks Jenn, that will help.

Well, we got about 14" of snow Wednesday, and the good news is that my chickens future coop held up pretty well. A few spot that need covered as a little snow drifted in, but overall they would have been pretty snug even in the blizzard we had. How did the rest of you in the area fare?
We received 12 to 14 inches of the beautiful white stuff. My kids didn't have two days of school. It took them a day and a half to before they even came to plow our road.

All the chickens handled it fine. I have chicks coming in two weeks. I really hope it warms up. Ok this weekend sounds cold.
We got about 8 to 10". Everyone weathered it great. Had a dog problem with the neighbors dog the day of the blizzard but all is well otherwise. Hey Bantymama, what kinds of geese and turkeys does your folks have in CL? I go to Charles City every other weekend to get my daughter from her dad. If they ever want to sell some eggs or hatchlings I would be interested. The extra drive wont be bad. Jenn
Tamie in Elma Iowa. I have cochin bantams, rose comb brown leg horns, Jersey Giants. I also have some peacocks, guineas and ducks. We have some four legged animals too.

I have new chicks & pullets right now.

More snow coming today!!!!

I feel so bad for the girls not getting out to free range. They sure do hate walking in the snow. I have a raised coop so they hop out and hang out under it during the day, but it's not the same.
Ugh, we have more snow coming down right now. On top of the hens not be able to free range the price of chicken food I buy just went up 1.50 in one week!

Tami I have a peahen. We call her Kate. Our peacock disappeared last fall. His name was Wiliam. Do you ever sell or breed yours?
Snowing here too!! I just give up. My chickens wont even come out with all this white stuff. There coop is getting so bad again, hopefully Satuday I will be able to get out to clean them again. About every 2 weeks I go out and get them cleaned out and more straw down. Tamie, WELCOME!!!!! I am thinking sometime we are all going to have to get together for an Iowa Chickenstock!!! Tamie, what color giants do you have? Also what color guineas? I have everything but peacocks. Hubby has tried to keep me from getting them and as long as I can have my guineas and turkeys I am satisfied with that for now..lol I also just had a baby call duck hatch a couple hours ago and a second one unzipping right now. I have a third egg but nothing has happened with that one yet. Today is day 26 so it can still hatch. I just cant wait for the second one to hatch. They are so tiny!!! I have some silkie chicks that hatched the 4th and 5th. They are the same size. I will post pics later. At least having ducklings hatch makes the winter a little more bearable.... Jenn

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