IA here

Brahmamama- will look at what parks have cabins, they always have electricity, I would recommend the jll ext stay in cedar falls they have a hot tub and pool, rooms are good sized and it comes to about 70 a night after taxes. no pets though.
I dont mind what they look like, makes it more fun, do you think you could start em and have them at waverly? Or is your bator full? other wise let me know when you can start them and I will meet up with you the weekend after they hatch or if my husband has drill the one after, obviously would pay more if you had to feed them for a week. thanks!
Thank you for the offer, and information, Jenn that was sweet
I would really like to go, so will have to get together with my husband and see if it works; he starts back to work April 1st, but should still be pretty slow at the beginning. I hope to see some fellow BYC'ers there, if I make it!
Finally, today was a gorgous day. I have officially turned off my heat lamps. They will now have to get along without the extra heat. My DH is so funny, he put night lights in their pens. Our turkey hen was so afraid of it, she went into her pen and came running back out just carrying on. Boy they hate change. It is so wet around the barn that my DH had to make a make shift bridge just to get into the barn. It's like we have a moot around it. The outside pens are really muddy already and there is still so much snow left to melt. Oh well I'm just glad it is starting to warm up. My DH is starting to build me another pen in the barn for my silkies. Right now they are in the garage and getting way to big for the brooder. Plus I just hatched 10 chicks and I will be needing to put them in the bigger brooder. I also have 28 eggs in the incubator. I'm hoping to take them to the swap in Waverly. Thanks for listening I just needed talk.

Update on who is all going to waverly and how to distinguish ourselves? I am up for the bandana idea if everyone else is, or any other ideas?
I am willing to design a sign, that can be displayed in our car windows to let everyone know that we are "BYC" members. In addition to letting each other know who we are, we could do some advertising to get some new members.

I recently did a post to see if anyone wanted to do a swap on Highway 63 North of new Hampton. I know it is a bit far for some, but we have a great location and are willing to do it if we have some participation.

Let me know what you think.

See you all soon.
Awesome, I would be interested in coming if it is late may or so. I broke down and picked up some chicks last night, I wanted to get some prior to the swap in waverly. Still looking forward to getting some from the swap as well. I am fairly sure one is a cock so I will have to get rid of him. If anyone has any idea what breed they may be let me know, they are both reddish with hints of buff, would look just like the red sex links but for the pencil thin lines at the corners of their eyes. Their wing feathers have buff, white, black, and red. They are between 1 and two weeks old. One has a red knob on its beak the other does not. My ducklings come this week between today and friday!!! I ordered Khaki campbells. Let me know if anyone is interested in some, I have more than I need but was not sure I could get just a few at the swap.
It is always so hard to wait..lol I have so many ducklings hatching I wont know what to do.. I went to MM on the 22nd and picked up my rainbow layer pack. I have so many eggs in the bator ready to hatch it isnt even funny. I have blank calandars that I write in the dates of hatches so I can determine how many bators I will need for the hatching part and that tells me how many eggs I can set.. LOL Then of course I won some goose eggs yesterday off ebay and am sooo excited. I think I have enough room for them. I might have to call a friend of mine and take some eggs to here for hatching. Tammie, that sound good for the swap, let me know what days you are thinking and I will see if we have anything going on yet. The big thing will be advertising and getting the word out. Once people know about them the same group is usually the regular. You will also have to decide if you are going to charge people to sell things. Most of the swaps around here are at public places and I think that is why they charge. It also depends on if people pick up after themselves. Tammie, are you the one I was going to trade a muscovey hen for a cayuga hen? I cant remember or find it in my messages..lol I am such an air head some times. We will try to be there by 6 to 7 am. It really depends on the weather for that weekend. I try to get everyone caged up the night before so all we have to do is load cages. I am taking 2 turkeys, 2 ganders, a bunch of misc. roos, ducklings, and button quails. Dont forget your extra cages and a cooler of snacks and drinks. They do sell stuff in the heated building but I have never payed close attention. Also for those newbees there will be a table inside that has swap flyiers and also a sign up for this swap flyer to be mailed out to you. They send one a year at the beginning so you know when they will be. They also have the next years dated on them too. Any other questions ask soon, it is getting closer!!!!! I will be going to Charles City this weekend and I will try to remember to see what exit number it is for everyone too. Jenn
Jenn- are you still taking chicks? Anyone else? If not I will just pop over to orchlens, just let me know. I have identified two of my chicks the red ones anyways, they are definitely most likely rirs. Dont know on the other two yet. I am thinking I want 6 layers so since my chances are about nillthat all 4 are girls- I made sure to get 1-2 week olds so I could pick the ones who had the most feather development hoping for a better chance that they were but on closer inspection two are very err unfeminine in appearance lol. But they will make good meals I imagine! Jenn- how many button quails will you have? I am trying to decide how many I will want- I know I want at least 6(my husband is having a cornea currently I replaced the one parakeet with so far 10 ducklings due to arrive this week, 4 full size chicks, and then the quails and more chickens) I am applying for the job in cr this week, cross your fingers for me, I am already approved on the loan too.
Sounds good, yes I will be bringing chicks too. Most of those will be hatching this week and next. I have 4 to 5 sets of eggs hatching. I dont know how many yet though.. I have 26 buttons right now and plan on keeping 5 or 6 I think. I have so many different colors it is hard to decide..lol I dont know which are males and which are females yet though. I will be bringing at least 20. I will probably be bringing some duck eggs too, not sure yet. Jenn

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