IA here

Ditto here. I have a bunch of eggs that should be hatching here shortly, I have some pullets and cockrels that I will taking, and hopefully some of my ducklings will hatch too.

I have some lovebrids that will be going, and maybe a cat or ten!

Jen, do you want me to bring the Cayuga to the swap?
Who lives in town in Ia? Still not sure if we will be able to get an acreage, wondered if anyone knew their town allowed chicks in town. thanks
What I tell everyone that wants chickens in town, if you just want eggs, just get hens. Most of the time what upsets people is that the roosters crow. So you should be okay with hens. In addition, if you give them eggs every once in awhile they should be okay.
I live in Charles City poultry isn't allowed but The ac said as long as I don't have roosters I can keep the hens, I have had them for 4 years now. Plus my yard is enclosed by a 6ft privacy fence since I have dogs also. I have a serama rooster but he lives in the house with his girls, I will probably sneak him and his girls out on occasion when people are mowing they won't hear his crow then:D How I long for an acreage dreaming.
Hi everyone. So who got to go to the Waverly Swap Meet? How was it? My inlaws came so we couldn't go. We are planning on going to Burlington this coming weekend.

I really stink at hatching call duck eggs. None of them made it. The ducklings formed but didn't peep out of the egg. So now I'm leaving it up to my female call duck. I'm sure she will have better luck them me. At least I hope so.

Oh the fox has hit our house. So far we are missing one rooster and 3 ducks. He came during the daytime. I even saw him down the road and my husband shut all the animals up. Apparently some weren't not in the barn or the ducks had wandered down to the ditches. Now we have to find a "cute" duck for my daughter. She was white with blothes of black plus under her wings she had the mallard coloring. Any ideas of what mix she may have been?

Hey all, I was pretty happy with the Waverly swap other then it was suppose to be warm and partly sunny in the morning and it was cold and rainy..lol I was able to sell everything I brought and only bought 1 blue slate hen.. This year I was not really in the mood to buy a lot, my hubby said that is because I already have a little of everything that was there..lol I think we will try to make it to the fall one this year too. Hope everyone had a good time. Tamie, it was great meeting you and it must not have bothered the duck since she layed an egg this morning..lol Jenn
I was not able to go either, we had to have 13 individual funerals in addition to the one we had last weekend. Our daughter put a lid on the brooder and we did not realize it for about 20 min or so and only one duckling survived. The brooder lamp combined with the lid made it too hot. This happened sat evening. So, between the cats liver failing and the ducklings and chicks we have not been able to get out of the house. Just to let anyone know, theisens in Newton will sell their 5 week old broilers for really cheap, they said if you were willing to take all anyways, currently they are 1.09 but I think if you took all 15 or so they have you could pick em up for 50 - 75 cents or so. That is 5 weeks you didnt have to feed them and they are fully feathered so they can go outside I imagine. The guy broke his ribs and he is having a devil of a time keeping up with them.
Newtoniamommy sorry to hear about your loss.

Well we went to the Burlington Ia swap. It was cold. It even snowed on our way there. I didn't take anything to sell. Dh wasn't willing to stand around. We did come home with a khaki call drake(now my daughters). We missed buying some baby ducklings. It was the smallest I have ever seen it but I don't blame anyone. We almost didn't go. This spring has been lousy for the swaps. I hope next month is a lot nicer.

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