IA here

I saw this pic on facebook too. I was like, "hey, I know that kid!" Ha ha!


Thanks I have a pic of him on the silkie forum i will repost it here..hes been very lucky this year as we only hatched out a few birds but were just lucky with getting some really outstanding show birds. He works hard at it and does a good hour to an hour and a half of chores after school every nite so its nice when he is rewarded. I wish i had posted more on here as I would love to get to know my local chicken folk...I live about 7 min from the Iowa border and Cody was born in Waterloo and hes does go to school over the river..lol..almost Iowans...we were very excited about getting a 1st out of the 3 black LF cockerels in the JR Ameraucanas as we had a bad experience with a roo we bought last year was DQed as it had squirrel tail ...so that 1st was good too..he also had the 4 nankins he show them everywhere we go to...his BB rooster was the Jr BB at Crossroads this year so he has done well with them too....loved the show there were some really high end show birds there. Congrats to all the winners.
Sure hope everyones got their chickens set to slighly warm! It's 3F up here with a -15 windchill! BRRRR......... and I'm hatching! (inside however)
I'm sorry for the snow you are going to get tomorrow.
Well now aren't you the cheeky monkey! It was good to see you again Steph.
Not good to see snow again, especially driven by high winds. At least it will be warmer tomorrow.

I think Troy and Jason will get more than us tomorrow.

I'm sorry for the snow you are going to get tomorrow.
How did the JG eggs arrive? My LF Black Langshan got her yesterday. I don't know of many other breeds that are as beautiful as Langshan, but I'm biased. Everybody showing Feather Legged bantam and Large Fowl better watch out at the Eastern Iowa show next year.
No he is going to send them next Monday instead since his chickens are being sporadic. But now I saw the weather and I hope they survive being cold
I'm going to go ahead and hatch some too. Black Coppers, Bantam Marans (I'm getting some bantam marans eggs from Alexandra Douglas), Buff Orps, Ameraucana's. Eric, if you are going to Waverly in the Spring, I can have a pullet for you.
Hi Gregg; Hatching an unknown and an Orloff, waiting for a couple of Buttercups tomorrow etc. Am doing a staggered hatch of a few eggs at a time. We are in he 3-6" range for the storm watch with 25 mph winds. Just swell.
Better oil up the snow shovel.

Trish; Yes, if we attend, please make one for me!

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