IA (incubators anonymous) September Hatches?

TheTropix, I have had everything go wrong, mostly operator error. First I didn't have a fan so the eggs developed at different stages. I also had humidity issues where it was too humid during the first stage. Last time I kept the temps too high which was fine before the fan but that time it lead to all the eggs dying about 3/4 of the way through. I also have egg storage issues, shipped eggs issues.. All sorts of issues... I do a good job of researching and finding the problem. I solve one and then create another. Honestly I just need to study a little harder, study other peoples mistakes. I find my issues AFTER the fact due to lack of studying.
So excited for you all!!!

So sorry about your headache @Jules929

@Compost King I find that anytime I try ANYTHING different I fail lol but when I tweak the same stuff and keep a baseline of the same thing, I get better results. My last hatch was a nightmare and I had done several things different than normal. Now I’m back to my own method except adding a separate Hatcher so I can stagger this year. I have two in that Hatcher now. If it’s a fail then I know why lol

Speaking of, two are in lockdown. Humidity up. Haven’t seen any wiggling anymore this morning but I also have promised myself to attempt to pretend they aren’t there :gig:cool:
Thank you! I feel better this morning. Now I have to get a ride back to work to get my car. I have today off. Fortunately I had a massage scheduled for today, so that should help relax the neck muscles.
Good luck with your hatching. Are you using an incubator for your Hatcher, or something else?
Thank you! I feel better this morning. Now I have to get a ride back to work to get my car. I have today off. Fortunately I had a massage scheduled for today, so that should help relax the neck muscles.
Good luck with your hatching. Are you using an incubator for your Hatcher, or something else?
I really hope it helps!!
I lied... I went to check humidity and both moved lol I made the Hatcher out of a foam cooler. I have a knack for such things. Eventually I’ll use a plastic like my incubator which I LOVE and is so stable 95% of the time (5% being when I try to “fix” stuff lol)
I really hope it helps!!
I lied... I went to check humidity and both moved lol I made the Hatcher out of a foam cooler. I have a knack for such things. Eventually I’ll use a plastic like my incubator which I LOVE and is so stable 95% of the time (5% being when I try to “fix” stuff lol)

I was thinking of making a hatcher, that's why I asked. I saw a post on here where someone asked if they could make an incubator out of a food dehydrator. I have one that I don't use and was considering converting it.

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