IB or IB split white?


In the Brooder
Oct 27, 2020
I have a 6 year old IB cock. I don’t know anything about his parentage because he was given to me. I know these are not the best picture because he insists on sitting in that window, but are those white flight feathers? And do they mean he is split white? You can’t see it great in these photos but the blue feathers below his shoulders have a small bit of white also.


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Thanks! I have a white hen and an IB hen for breeding. So I guess we’ll see come spring.
The White hen will tell you if he is split white or Dark Pied. If he is split White you will get both White and split to White, If he is Dark Pied you will get 100% Pieds. The plain IB hen will give you plain IB and split to White if he is split to White. He could also just be split to WE but you should be able to tell that by looking at his train and seeing a few white spots on a few of the eyes.
The White hen will tell you if he is split white or Dark Pied. If he is split White you will get both White and split to White, If he is Dark Pied you will get 100% Pieds. The plain IB hen will give you plain IB and split to White if he is split to White. He could also just be split to WE but you should be able to tell that by looking at his train and seeing a few white spots on a few of the eyes.
Oh. Okay. I didn’t realize that I would get all pieds if he was dark pied. I will keep an eye out for white spots on the eyes of his train, but I haven’t seen any so far. Thanks for all the info!

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