Iced up!

Our Roost

9 Years
Jan 13, 2011
ScottsVille, michigan
I knew it was coming, but not so soon. I had hoped it wouldnt happen but it did! My primary water feeder is a 55 gallon water barrel drum with PVC piping plumbed to the inside and outside of my coop. I have nipple and cup type waterers that the chickens and ducks use and has been very useful as far as maintenance and cleanliness. Yesterday morning the inside coop temperature was 34 degrees and the water in the pipes was froze up. Nothing was flowing from even the spigots. The water in the barrel wasnt froze up except for a thin layer layer on top, but the water inside the pipes was frozen. I have planned a water barrel heater and also to wrap the pipes with styrafoam insulation and tape but havent gotten to it yet. The chickens pecked frantically at the nipplers but nothing was coming out! The heater and pipe wraps might help and then again they may not. Right now we are using the plastic refillable waterers and have to keep an eye on them because they ice up also. I have learned that a large body of water, such as a lake, will not freeze to the bottom. Hence the water barrel froze only on the top where it was exposed to outside air temps. My dilema is the pipes! I dont think the heat ring used to heat the water barrel water will transfer into and down to the inside of the pipes. Its just not feasable. I think I lose the battle on this one until spring. What are you guys using that works well to keep your water from freezing up this winter? Any ideas or suggestions would be welcomed.
Have you thought about using Water Pipe Heating cable?
Looks like we think alike.
Thanks Guys! looks like I am off to ace hardware this weekend to do some shopping. I had no idea they had electric wrap for pipes. This should solve my problem. They offer a couple different types. Different prices too!
Thanks Guys! looks like I am off to ace hardware this weekend to do some shopping. I had no idea they had electric wrap for pipes. This should solve my problem. They offer a couple different types. Different prices too!

If you are going with heat tape you may want to read the first post in this thread first to make sure you do it properly:
I have never used heat tape so have no idea how to advise you on it...just thought this would be helpful.
I have read your posted article from the firefighter and the advice she gave. It concerns me greatly. I know that any electrical unit within or outside the coop can be a serious threat if not properly installed. I will definitely investigate these products thoroughly before using. I will also look at other alternatives. Thanks for the feedback!

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