Icelandic Chickens

‎58 more eggs in Incubator today!
I want some more Icelandics to make my flock bigger, and also get a good amount so I can find someone to pass on a flock of them.
Couple of days ago I finally picked up another Ameraucana Rooster (Geoffery's son) Jr., not quite as show quality as geoffery was, but he's not too bad. I now have 4 pure Ameraucana hens. So next hatch will hopefully be alot of of them!... So lets see that puts me at 61 chickens right now. How many can I go?? I will need to build some more coops in a couple months. But I also plan on giving away alot too.
That one blue egg on top sure is perdy!

You better get busy and start building more coops!
Dreki is beautiful but I would rather have that reddish and white hen behind him,she is really beautiful! Perfect topknot and great color!
Boston I like the way you stacked those eggs!lol,never thought about doing that!
So, did anyone see Backyard Poultry Feb/March, page 31 they have a pic of an Icelandic Cockerel! (Looks rather like my "Spike"). I was surprised to see it since it's not a recognized breed.
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So, did anyone see Backyard Poultry Feb/March, page 31 they have a pic of an Icelandic Cockerel! (Looks rather like my "Spike"). I was surprised to see it since it's not a recognized breed.
Darn it, I let my subscription lapse!

I don't think Backyard Poultry cares about APA - SOP recognized breeds. They have all sorts of chickens in there.
So, did anyone see Backyard Poultry Feb/March, page 31 they have a pic of an Icelandic Cockerel! (Looks rather like my "Spike"). I was surprised to see it since it's not a recognized breed.

That is one of Daron's roosters. Jim Hall is the one who had them at the Crossroads show at Indy as part of a raffle to raise funds for his Youth Poultry club. They weren't there to be shown.
Dreki is beautiful but I would rather have that reddish and white hen behind him,she is really beautiful! Perfect topknot and great color!
Boston I like the way you stacked those eggs!lol,never thought about doing that!

Oh, you mean Dagny......yep, she's a looker!!

Okay, Daron, I'm trying Backyard Poultry Magazine Volume 7 Number 1 February/March 2012 issue.

Yea I stack them in the begining until I candle, Then usually there are enough duds that nothing is stacked after that first candle.
Im sure it adds more stress to the 1611 turner, and the eggs dont quite turn correctly. but ehhhh oh well :)

Boston I like the way you stacked those eggs!lol,never thought about doing that!

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