Icelandic Chickens

Icelander, I like the name Blair. I think we'll go with it.

My Icelandics are certainly elegantly made. I am just surprised that they're so tiny, especially considering the size of the eggs they came from! Of course, I have mostly kept Ameraucanas (true) and Australorps and Barred Rocks. They now look like fatsos next to my small Icies. Makes me laugh.

I LOVE those speckled hens. More pictures!
Elska is really a screamer when she's broody. She sounds off any time anyone or anything gets anywhere near the nest she's in. The NHs like to dust and hang out near the nest boxes and they are looking at her as if they are wondering, "What's the big deal......we've been doing this for the last six weeks and it hasn't been a problem!"

Here she is trying not to show her "true self" while I taking her picture.......

She is so Beautiful...
I got some barnyard crosses from a woman who was selling them as eating eggs, but she had a couple roos running with the girls. I put some fresh ones and two refrigerated ones in the incubator. One refrigerated egg pipped, but it appeared to pip through the yolk. Didn't make it :(

Can't wait until tomorrow!

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, I guess they didn't have antifreeze in their veins like the Icies seem to do. I just picked up the final 2 eggs for your batch, looking forward to the morning and really looking forward to 3 weeks from now

I set a dozen Trader Joe fertile eggs for the heck of it. I got 8 chicks hatch out of the dozen, healthy little leghorns. They sold in a heartbeat to someone looking for white egg layers, the matriarch of the family wouldn't eat nasty brown eggs!


Lol, nasty brown eggs! Maye she should avoid eating the shell... that's the only way the brown color could possibly make any difference, right?
So cool that you got 8 out of a dozen eggs that have probably been sitting the fridge a while. Tough little cookies

Icelander, I have two Wyandottes that came from a batch of eggs where some were refridgerated, I believe. What's more, partway through the incubation process, the incubator got unplugged for a while and all of the eggs were cold. Long story short, they got plugged back in, and out popped a bunch of beautiful little chicks!

All of these lovely Icelandic chickens and their names........I need to find a name more befitting of my little Icee pullet. For now, she's going by Sheila (SHE-ila, in hopes she was a girl) but I want something a little more native-sounding. My boys have Swedish and German names, haha. I didn't know any Icelandic boy names for them when I got them.

I love the survival stories. My incubator got unplugged when I was trying to hatch my first birds, but that story didn't end as well as yours. I only got one chick, although he was as bouncy as they come.

I would say that if you need any help with Icelandic names just let me know BUT I think you already know

Icelander, I like the name Blair. I think we'll go with it.

My Icelandics are certainly elegantly made. I am just surprised that they're so tiny, especially considering the size of the eggs they came from! Of course, I have mostly kept Ameraucanas (true) and Australorps and Barred Rocks. They now look like fatsos next to my small Icies. Makes me laugh.

I LOVE those speckled hens. More pictures!

Blair is a great name
I thought of it when I was thinking about what I would name a blue boy.

LOL, fatsos...

Elska is really a screamer when she's broody. She sounds off any time anyone or anything gets anywhere near the nest she's in. The NHs like to dust and hang out near the nest boxes and they are looking at her as if they are wondering, "What's the big deal......we've been doing this for the last six weeks and it hasn't been a problem!"

Here she is trying not to show her "true self" while I'm taking her picture.......

I cannot get enough photos of this bird...
Hi everyone.
Excuse me interrupting, but tonight's the last night to follow the link below and help BYC choose the color for our historic home. We want to make sure its one folks will like, so naturally I'm inviting the best people I know to help decide......

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