Icelandic Chickens

In November I hatched five roosters from my own eggs. In December (NY Hatch), I had shipped eggs from Florida and hatched five pullets and five cockerals. Have hatching going on right now, so will be interesting to see what I get...
Ok. 200 pages in and I'm gonna have to take a break. The cuteness of the chicks is making me wacky!!!! This is a wonderful thread!
It will be interesting to hear from others on their hatching ratios, now the eggs that are hatching came from cooleer weather and short days, if the hens were outdoors. Will the hatches from a month from now show more pullets? Or even numbers or skewed?

I have one other question, the Icelandic size- about the size of a Leghorn? Hard to tell from the pictures, and I havent seen any weights given.
Well, well, well! Mahonri got Icelandics, now did he?
I bet he'll open a big Icelandic hatch thread
And invite a ton of BYC members to Iceland for it!
Thank you, Sarah! We love it here, too! Mary is the best hostess, isn't she? You are gonna be a great addition to the preservation effort! I can hardly wait to get some chicks to you.
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I have never really kept tabs on roos vs hens. I hatch, I pick my favorites and then sell the rest. This will be the first time everyone is a keeper. Time to get a good pencil and start keeping records.

8 days to go... (where's my flashlight?)
Kathy, Love the Hokey Pokey pic!!

Have you heard anything from Teach or Lynn about the eggs you sent them?

Looks like my SLW incubator may be getting broody!!
Chickie Mama was in the nest box today and growled at me when I took an egg from under her. Later, she was still there on the golf balls so...............
she'll be ready on my day off (Thursday) to move into her broody box and hatch some Icelandics!!! It's still a bit cold but I can keep her and the chicks in the garage if I need to.
Good News! My 21 Icelandic eggs still look great!

To recap: Mary sent 24 eggs, beautifully wrapped and all 24 looked perfect when I opened the box.
1 never developed.
On day 5, some looked more developed, they had larger veins, others (I should have marked them) had fewer veins, and just looked like they were "younger".
On day 7, I had 1 confirmed quitter. Leaving me with 22 in the bator. Of those, some still looked "bigger" and other just looked less developed.
On day 14, I have 1 more quitter, leaving 21 in the bator. A couple of those look pretty big, many have nice large veins, a couple made me look twice to be sure they were still thriving. I saw some good movement in all of them and even some pretty little toes in one

I can't believe there is a whole week left till lockdown
Mary and Kathy, I LOVE YA"LL!
And my roosters though skeptical at my faint efforts to appear to be sane have informed me that I know nothing, the bigger of the Roosters actually referred to me as pseudo intellectual! yep ya'll thought you had me on egg laying roosters, never did you think I'd have talking and joking
roosters! But alas I live in a very special world!
I so can't wait to have new babies soon! Today one of the teenage boys who Interns her asked me" Mr White, is there a reason you refer to them as babies instead of chicks?" I was silent for far too long ......and a smile broke out on his face and he said....."never mind, I think I understand that they are your children." From the mouths of babes.........

God bless you all and have a great night and a wonderful forever!
Andy in Fredericksburg

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