Icelandic Chickens

YAY ! ! !
More chicks for ya! Nothin' better than a broody raising babies. I love watching them.

NO, I have not heard from Teach or Lynn. They should be checkin' in with us, shouldn't they? I will have to give them both a holler, and see what's going on!

That is just great news!
I can hardly wait to see your chicks! Sooooooon, very very soon!
We love you too, Andy! I am glad to hear that those chickens of yours talk to you..... maybe they can talk some sense into you.
Yes, you do indeed live in a very special world. And I am so glad we are all here with ya!

Andy, you just gotta get some pictures for us! I am dying to see those babies I sent to you!
Well of the three roos, I've decided that Vindur is going to be my main roo. He's the largest, the cockiest and coolest looking.

I'll find a nice place for the other two, I promise.
that they all hatch for you!! You can use the next week to ready the camera and get some practice with it so we can have LOTS of pics!
We love you too, Andy! I am glad to hear that those chickens of yours talk to you..... maybe they can talk some sense into you.
Yes, you do indeed live in a very special world. And I am so glad we are all here with ya!

Andy, you just gotta get some pictures for us! I am dying to see those babies I sent to you!

Yes, the very special world of poultry is a mystery to those that aren't a part of it. The "outsiders" just kind of get that glazed-eye look when "we" talk about our birds. I don't call mine babies/kids (I have 6 human ones) but when I enter the barn, where their coops are for winter, each morning, I call out, "Good morning girls and boys!" And I talk to them while I do the feeding and chores. More than once my DH has come into the barn and said "What? Were you talking to me?" and I've said, "Nope........talking to __________!"

I'm with Kathy, post some pics of your adults, and newbies too, PLEASE!! I'd really like to see the rooster that referred to you as "pseudo intellectual"!
Be careful with this one..........they can really change alot....but since you'll be hatching more for the M2AEH, you'll have even more to choose from!!
I've talked to my chickens and other critters for years, never thought otherwise about it.

The rabbits would think I was mad if I didnt and the cats, dogs, hatchery chickens would too. A couple of the RIR hens have conversations with me, we seem to communicate even though no-one else knows whats going on.

Do it, you'll like it !
My human kids are teenagers who are all victims of selective hearing loss
My dogs, cats and chickens all appear to be listening and never ask to borrow the car keys.

If I don't pet and speak directly to my little Jukie she'll squawk and nip at my clothes. She won Grand Champion Best of Breed at the fair a couple years ago and I think part of her high marks was her extreme comfort with people. When the judges pulled her from her cage there was no squawking of flapping of wings, she just cooed and bawked a little and settled into their hands while they checked her from stem to stern.

I have two that would rather not be touched, they are not skittish or scared, they just aren't cuddly. Most of mine will quietly let you handle them and then I have a few that would rather be right with me and like to be picked up and handled.

This is Merrie, my favorite roo. Friendly but always on duty. Takes his job very seriously but never threatens people or pets. Others come and go but this guy is my main man. Too bad he's not an Icelandic. But, he'll stay and live with the laying flock until old age takes him.

Hi everyone!

First MARY THE EGGS ARRIVED SAFE AND SOUND AND ARE IN THE DECOMPRESSION mode for a half day before I incubate them, so they go in tonight!

Next a great story! I am trying to get a photographer to get pics so I can share them with ya'll. She comes over and I open up the current page and scroll down to show examples of pictures of Icelandics, the first pic we get is cupcakes in a jar...... she squints trying to make out what it is then reads about it and says "interesting" then we scroll down a little more to a red chicken and I was quick to explain that it is not an Icelandic but we have many people with many other chickens.... but she proceeds to read the note about the chicken being blind and Mary having to move things out of her way more and more, and here she was STUCK in a corner! The lady was laughing hysterically and agreed to take the pictures! She said "Only you would be on a chicken web site with people who put cupcakes in jars and have blind chickens Andy!"
So thanks ya'll, our unique crew has brought laughter to the world! Good medicine! And soon good pictures!

Your'e the best!

Andy in Fredericksburg

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