Icelandic Chickens

This is almost as much fun as the Delaware thread -

I keep saying this, but it bears repeating- you all are doing something fantastic and I only wish I could be part of it! Keep posting the pictures. SOMEONE has to name a roo Gardar - that is the best!
I really enjoy lurking here!
Great Job!! You expressed exactly the way I feel about the breed. The lack of standardization is what has made them what them are, unique. I love the diversity of them. With your permission, I'll be quoting you when people ask that same question.

As for Jokul's escape, I don't have any C.O.'s here so I hope there aren't any "cell breaks"!
How's that Broody girl getting along?
Great Job!! You expressed exactly the way I feel about the breed. The lack of standardization is what has made them what them are, unique. I love the diversity of them. With your permission, I'll be quoting you when people ask that same question.

As for Jokul's escape, I don't have any C.O.'s here so I hope there aren't any "cell breaks"!
How's that Broody girl getting along?

Aww! Thank you. Of course you can use anything I posted

(((Mary))) do you have a mission statement that addresses this or can we put one together?

Our broody is still hard at work. She is doing a great job. I throw her sunflower seeds and treats right in the nest so she doesnt have to miss out. lol

Day 9... 1/2 way there!
Actually I not only have a mission statement but DH created a website for the newly formed Icelandic Chicken Preservation Alliance, USA. I waited to make the announcement until I could contact the "oldtimers" in the history of the Icelandic chickens in the USA. I asked them to become founding members. I have heard back from a couple of them so far. Anyway, the site is very much still under construction. The pictures are all mine, etc. Join the forum. Tell us what you think, tweak the mission statement, etc. It is a work in progress that I hope we can work on together.

Here's the link:
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Camelot, thank you! I will keep that in mind!

Mary, the website is off to a great start- the pictures are wonderful!
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It is so much fun to read your post and follow your project. You are doing a wonderful job, and it is nice to see your youngsters (inmates) grow up and some get to leave the premises.
I am thrilled with your interest in finding Icelandic names for all the baby chicks. I like Jökull, Uggi and Magnús. Our son has a dog named Magnús, a very respectful man´s name as well. By the way, Uggi means a fin, such as on a fish. I have a list of a few names I have thought of just now. Also look up the Norse Gods. They have Icelandic names.

All the names I am listing are nouns, some are for animals and some are for people as well.

Magni ..........Powerful Perla .................Pearl
Rodi (Roði) ..Red Rothi Toppa................Crest or Top
Frosti .........Frosty Sunna...............Sun
Blómi ..........Flower Blohmi Katla ................Fem. Name for a volcano
Koli .............Blacky Hekla ...............Fem. Name for a volcano
Blíður ..........Suave Bleethur Doppa .............Pokadot
Sindri ..........Spark Kola ................Blacky
Blámann .....Blueman Blauman Blíða ................Suave Bleetha
Flosi ...........Old Icel. name Depla ..............Dotty
Sómi ...........Respectable Sohmi Skíma ..............Small light Skeema
Steinar .......Stone Birta ................Light
Krummi .......Raven Surta ...............Black
Ljómi ..........Shiny Ljohmi Elding .............Lightning
Ármann........Early man Aska ...............Ash

We are busy here in Iceland, going places like crazy. Having fun though and following your BYC thread when we stop at home. Sveinn has been fishing for Arctic Char (Trout) and we are leaving for the west coast for 3 days. Will be back on Monday.
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