Icelandic Chickens

She was a flight risk so we had to transfer her to a more secure facility!
The Illinois parolees earned more time in "The Yard" today. The girls were more relaxed and Asta is quite the show-off and did a nice pose for me:


Anna is such a little sweetie and not as outgoing as Asta so here she is being a bit demure:


Didn't get a good pic of Ari, but Audun was happy to be the center of attention:


The first time out, they were out separately, today they were out together. Ari is a bit of a bully to the girls, but Audun would come to their rescue when they would call for help. Anna would run to me if she thought Ari was getting too close, so cute. (Sure hope she is really a she!) She will let me pick her up and is happy to sit on my lap for a bit, then wants down to enjoy the garden. Once again they were great about returning to their holding cells. My big SLW roo (my avatar) will be leaving this week for his new home and then after a bit more quarantine and growth, the boys will be moving in with the layers. Audun is crowing a bit in the morning when T crows so we'll see what the big girls think of him. Girls will have to wait until they're bigger. They will be introduced to some of the other young girls and hopefully everyone will get along. Well, bedtime for me.
Seinna, Mary
Beautiful pics Not a farm Mary.

at you opening the box. I can laugh cuz it wasn't me. Can't wait to see your pics.

Congrats to everyone who is lucky enough to be receiving these beautiful birds!
She was a flight risk so we had to transfer her to a more secure facility!


Well, they are all safe behind bars tonight; padlocked in.

Though obviously suffering from jet lag, Rico Suave did announce his presence immediately upon arrival. They are quarentined quite some distance from my other birds, and I will never tell Rico Suave that they were all laughing and giggling at his crowing attempt.
Well we are set for more storms in the next few days and after a few power outages and the fact I have only one egg doing anything I think I may give lone egg to my Broody BO she is desperatly trying to hatch some eggs.. so i think i will seperate her tonight and let her finish up .... Anyone have any pros or cons for this????
That is what I am doing tonight. I have two Icelandic eggs in the incubator that Lukka abandoned when she changed nests. They are due to hatch on July 4th. She is now sitting on a wooden egg. My silkie is sitting on three dud silkie eggs. I am going to move both broodies to isolated nest boxes tonight and put one of the incubating eggs under each of them. May the best girl win!

When is your egg due to hatch? I have kind of lost track.

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I think they are due around the 28th .. Could be more or less due to the power outtages.. That was another reason I thought to give them to her since she will know better then I can guess when its gonna hatch...
That's getting close. How exciting! Yep I would give it to the broody, although Lukka has "power outages" everyday too when she decides to change nest boxes! That is why she is going into isolation tonight.
That's getting close. How exciting! Yep I would give it to the broody, although Lukka has "power outages" everyday too when she decides to change nest boxes! That is why she is going into isolation tonight.

I just found this thread yesterday, and I have been hooked on it since.

I think it is absolutely wonderfull that you are all working together on preserving this breed. I can and do see why you all are so passionate about these wonderfull birds. I would really love to learn more about this breed. Could someone point me in the right direction to research? Or would I be better off just hanging around here, and learning right along with you all?

Just out of curiosity... How many Icelandic Chickens are now accounted for in the various holding facilities around the country?

Thanks, I absolutely will follow this thread, and do my research.

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