I'd like 10 min alone with the people who did this....


i agree. just a prank. i think 85 was a bit extreme, but it accomplished exactly what they wanted! they got out of school for at least a day, and all the chickens are fine...although a little ragged...heck, at my school(in the suburbs mind you) some people released 2 pigs labeled 1 and 3 in the school, so that everyone would try to find a number 2, and another year someone released hundreds of crickets...those things were still around many many years later...the year that I was a senior, our big prank (i wasn't involved) was to cement a porta potty in the courtyard and label it 'frosh bathroom' it was pretty funny. kids just want to have fun and make a big mess for the school to have to clean up...
And I was one of the members here who backed up you're right to dispatch an animal
on your property.

You mean to tell me you don't find a bunch of chickens running through a high
school funny? If it turns out those animals were abused or stolen from a victim
of theft then I'd condemn it too. From the info we have here I just see those kids
laughing their a**es off.

The gravestones in the smoking section?? That's lame.
The VW on the roof.. Brilliant....
Saw that earlier today, I just hope the birds get a home or find home again.

As for high school pranks, before my time, aparently the shop kids brought a car into the commons in pieces and then welded it back together inside...

They left food out for the chickens.
The chickens were laying the next day.
Now, could you please tell me how they were abused.

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I matured a little between high school & university. But only a little.

I pretty much shoot anything that trespasses on my property as long as it has 4 legs. I'm just a BAD egg that way...

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