I'd like 10 min alone with the people who did this....

Note to self.....If ever visiting LCRT, do not try to walk on all fours.
We should ask the mods for a forum area where we can all just go beat the
cr ap out of each other. A good beating would do me good.
They really did look like production reds. They also look like they are molting! I wonder if that was their first taste of free ranging ?? LOL

Ya know I thought they didn't look much like RIR's. I'm gettin good at this chicken thing

You are such a stud Little Chicken.
I don't appreciate being called a Troll, and I think the people that I have interacted with on this board don't think I am. However if I called you a hypocrite as I did in answer to your first PM, I wonder what the general concensous would be?

By the way how did you get that burka on the chickens head in your avitar. Looks like it would be difficult.


PC wrote "What happened to all my red chickens???" I know, I know
They are either in Pennsylvania or they traspassed and someone who can't stand cruility to animals shot them. Boy, I hope they are in Pa.
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Where does a high school kid get his hands on 85 red old enough to molt? Now
I'm feeling bad for the poor small farmer they probably came from.

Now if they were silkies...

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